Leonardo x Ninja Reader pt. 2

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You want it cause you asked for it
Here we go with another chapter

**Leo's PoV**

"Donnie, she's still bleeding!" Mikey cried as he tried to help his brother who was stiching the mystery girl's wound.

"Damn it, Mikey. Calm down pass me the alcohol and bandages." Donnie and Mikey has been healing her over 2 hours, Raphael has been standing next to the doorway waiting for news and I was sitting next to Raph.

"I hope she's ok... She didn't even think twice on blocking that bullet and-"

"God Leo, shut up! She'll be fine besides once Donnie's done I'll toss her back at her home"

"Raph, you are not gonna touch her!!" Raph and me argued for a while 'till Mikey came out.

"Guys we're done" Donnie and Mikey left as well as Raph and I stayed beside the lady. Her (h/l) (h/c) covered her eyes and cheek, I softly caressed her face. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, I hope she wakes up soon.

**Time skip**
**(y/n) PoV**

I woke up with a little headache as I tried to sit. I scan my surroundings for any potential danger or the turtles, I found my torso covered in bandages and with no... "SHIRT! Where's my shirt!? What kind of perverts-?"

"Oh, hey you woke up. Sorry here's your clothes, Donnie had to heal you."
The turtle with the blue bandana walked in with my ninja clothing, he had a red blush running across his face while looking at the floor. I grabbed the clothes and got dressed, I thanked him for it and asked where am I. He explained what was this place and his story of him and his brothers, as soon we got to the living room I met everyone.

"I thank you all for saving me."

"Saving you? Girl you saved our bro from a sneaky bullet!! You are MEGA COOL!!" Michelangelo fist bumbed the air with his goofy smile. Raphael nodded and looked away while Donnie asked why did I saved him.

"Well... I heard you guys talking about Master Splinter, He is an old friend of my father; (father's name) Kappa. Splinter used to write to him a lot but he stopped ans when my father heard the Foot were here he sent me to look for him and protect him also to tell my father that his ok."

"W-well...  Master Splinter is ok but... He looks different now... His our father" said Donatello while he smiled showing his adorable gap.

"I understand but I need to see him."

"I don't think it's a good idea, Splinter will punish us if he sees another human here!" Raphael scolded us.

"I will punish who, Raphael?" A 6' foot humanoid rat walked behind Raphael walking with a staff. "And who are you, child?" he looked at me with worry and a bit of anger in his eyes. As I walked towards him I examed his clothing. After realizing who he was I bowed in respect.

"I'm (y/n) Kappa, daughter of (f/n) and (m/n) Kappa."

"(f/n)... You are (f/n) daughter!!??" he walked towards me and hugs me tightly. "You look like your mother except for the eyes, you have the eyes of your father, filled with determination and passion. Please come and join me for some tea and tell me how's your father."  after a hours of talking and catching up I went with Leonardo and Raphael, they began to spar, Leo was winking and showing off and winking at me. I just giggled but Raphael got ticked off by this he kicked Leonardo behind his shell.

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