Cheated Donatello x Reader

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I met the turtles a few years ago after saving earth from a dinasour invasion. I just got out from math class, "man what a headache!" I had been thinking the way April and Cassie been acting lately... They hang out after school a lot, more then usual and when they go to the lair they smell like sweat and... Lust... Ew... I sigh while walking to my locker. When I got some books out I heard some weird giggles and moaning sounds coming from down the hall, I decided to follow.

"C-cassie.... God... I'm gonna cum~!"

"Shit.... Damn it red... Why are you so tight!?"

I heard April, Donnie's girlfriend fucking with Cassie Gross! A gasp escaped from my mouth and they both saw me. Cassie started yelling at me to go away but April begged me not to tell Donatello.

"Are you insane in the membrane, you psycho!! I'm not gonna cover your shit!!" I ran as fast as I could. Cassie and April ran after me but I lost them at the cafeteria. I found a manhole near the school and got in. Made my way to the lair and found Raphael and Mikey. I begged them to hold off Cassie and April as I told them what happened, Mikey and Raph got really pissed off, "April did what!!? Why the hell!??" I never seen Michelangelo get so mad. His usually a lay back chill turtle.

"(Y/n) are you sure about this? You know how Donnie loves April. They have been together for 2 years." said Raphael with an annoyed face. I groan at him and told them to cover me.

They ran and found the 2 cheaters when I made my way to the Donnie's Lab. I found the nerdy turtle tinkering with some gadgets , he heard me come in.

"(Y/n), are you ok? Why are you panting?" Donnie hugged me and checked me for any wounds.

"I'm fine... I'm sorry... But you need to know the truth about April" Donatello looked at me with concern but then forgot and showed me a small black box and said:

"I want you to carry this for me, keep it safe. I trust you" when he opened it it was an engagement ring for April. I pushed the box gently back at him and told him what I saw. He leaned on the table, his eyes began to gather pools of tears. He panted faster and faster, in fear of a heart attack I sat him down on hold him close trying to calm him and telling him that I'm there. Then the door bursted open with April yelling and cussing.

"Donnie whatever this bitch saud it's a lie! I love you, are you gonna trust her over me!?" She did not noticed that her bra was undone and her hair a mess Donnie stood up, he just looked at her in a way that if it could kill it will. So, she had the guts of slapping his face that's when I got blinded by anger and hatred. I pushed Donatello to the side and began to fight April, we punched, kicked and slammed each other until Sensei stopped us.

"What is the meaning of this!? April, (y/m) explain!" after 2 hours Splinter asked in a demanding way to Leonardoto escort April to leave the lair forever as well as Cassie. I stood up and grabbed my stuff when they were gone.

"Where are you going, child?" he asked.

"To leave... I have brought too much pain and burden for you all... Even if I consider you all as my family and I love you but I can't stay."

"Nonsense this is your home" he placed his hand over my shoulder "What you did was from love and it took great courage to do so. You will live and stay here."

Not to question his decision I just nodded and walked towards Donnie's room once again. Found him still crying and asked if I may pass. We talked and he confessed that he kind of knew of April cheating but he was to hurt to realize it. He took my hand and thanked me for opening his eyes. All we did was lay in his bed and hold each other, we did nothing just absolute silent and enjoying each others heat and presence.


I hope you enjoyed this long and weird story.
Sorry I haven't updated much but more will come.

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