Donatello x Abused Reader

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**Your PoV**

Last day of this insufferable agony called school. Every damn day I get kicked, pushed, punched and... Other things... My so call friends betrayed me cause of rumors that I had been cheating on tests and getting in to my teacher's pants. I hated this life... Even more when I got home... Mom was a drunknand dad was always in some pub.

Walking home, lost in my thoughts a water balloon blasts on my face. It smelled like old vinigar and skunk spray...

"Hey, (y/n) have fun stinking the summer you whore!!" it were the bullies from school and they ran off in there car. Leaving behind black smoke from the car making me cough.

As I arrived home, I took a deep breath and quickly got to my room and grabbed some clean clothes and jumped in to the shower. Once out I saw my mom smashing bottles and plates cursing under her breath.

"(Y/N) where the hell is my scotch!! I told you to leave it in the fridge!!" mom nagged me from the distant as I opened the fridge door and gave her the bottle. "Thank you, now give momma a hug and go away... Here's... $30 and don't come back till tomorrow. Daddy and I are gonna have a vacation from u this summer." I looked at her wondering what did she mean.

"You can't be serious where am I gonna stay in the whole summer this is my hou-" she slapped my face before I could finish the sentence.

"I said go. Get some clothes and do the fuck u want. I want u out until fall!!" I started crying but holded my whimpers. I ran towards my room and made my bag of clothes and some snacks and ran out of there... I walked a good 3 hours around NY till it got dark. I found an allie that didn't look that creepy and madr camp there. I looked at the buildings and listen to the noises of the city like a bitter sweet lullaby. I tried my best not to doze off but my exhaustion got to me first.

Suddenly I hear voices close by but I didn't care anymore if my end had come then take me sweet blissful death. I felt my body being lifted by someone, with my eyes still closed my cheek rubbed against the strangers arm, it had some muscle and had a weird smell of smoke, quimicals and pizza. I thought it was just some weird guy whos gonna kill me somewhere "decent". After a while of traveling and hearing arguments we stopped and the same guy took me and laid me in a cold metalic table, I think he saw me shivering cause he said sorry. After sleeping 2 hours I sat facing a wall filled strange trinkets and quimicals, I heard steps coming from behind I took a scalpel for defense and saw a tall, green guy with a purple bandanna.

**Donnie's PoV**

I saw the girl in the allie filled with scars, bruises, bandages abd with a small backpack. She looked so hurt and cold, my heart wouldn't let me look away. Even if my brothers scold me I didn't care and took her home.

After getting her cleaned up and patched up she woke but with a scalpel.

"Who are you, what are you, where are we, why you brought me here, are you gonna kill me ig so do it fast! I'm sick of this insufferable world!!" she screamed with tears in her eyes and with pain in her face. I took a step closer and gently took her hand while looking at her and took the scalpel away.

"My name's Donatello, I'm.... Well.. A mutant; a turtle to be exact, you're in my room in an old abandon subway tunnel near the sewers, me and my brothers brought you here cause you We're hurt and cold so I decided to take you with us and no I'm not gonna kill you, we're the good guys. What's your name?" I answered her questions without letting go of her hand. Her face softens and she took my hand and hugged me while crying.
"(Y/n).... My name it's (y/n)..." I carried her bridal style and made my way to the living room where the guys and sensei was there and introduced her.

I made a vow that nothing and no one will hurt my (y/n)... I think my life has a new meaning, a new focused in life without April. Finally someone I can love and protect.


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