Michaelangelo x ShyGamerReader

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**Mikey PoV**

Donnie and I finally finished building my new PC with some spare parts we found and it works great! Donnie said never to use the camera cause we don't want to expose ourselves but I can use the mic. Which its awesome!! I started to look for online games. I found Minecraft, I haven't played this game since I was a tut.  Started playing online and a lot of people joined. I noticed there was 1 player that always went to the mines and got lots of obsidian so I joined.

"Hello, I'm Mikey. What are you doing with that obsidian?"

"OH, I'm gonna make a portal and my name is (y/n)" It sounded like a girl. She sounded so cute!! So she taught me how to make obsidian and after a couple of minutes we made the portal. "Sorry, Mikey. It's getting late and I need to rest. Don't go in to the portal without me ok?"

"No problem!" I kept playing and I wanted to surprise her with diamond weapons.  The next day she logged in and I gave her weapons and armor made of diamonds she was happy and she said we will need them.  A couple of  months pass we get to know each other we logged alone with each other.

"Hey, Mikey... do you live in NY?" She asked a bit shy.

"Yes, I do near Manhattan. Why?"

"Well... I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out... you know in person.  I think you're really awesome and I... I like you a lot and I want to like you a lot more but... nah forget it. I'm sorry." He avatar walked by chicken coop we build.

"No, wait! Listen... I would love too see you in person... the thing is I'm different then other guys I mean physically speaking... I'm not normal." She chuckled.

"What do you mean, are you an alien or something?" (Y/n) said with a chuckled

"Kind of" I took a deep breath and looked around to see if my brother aren't close by. "Are you free now?"

"Yes, I'm in my apartment. Why?"

"Send me an address where you want to meet. But I warn you... I am not the cutest person or the hottest to be honest." I sighed the next thing I know she sends me an address to meet her in a couple of minutes then she said: "See you in 10 min" I logged off as quick as possible and snuck out. I followed the address it was a park near some apartments and there was only 1 person wearing and (f/c) hoodie and what looked like a bag. I cautiously got close making sure it wasn't a trap. When they turned around it was a girl with (e/c), (L/H) and the most beautiful smile I have seen.

"H-hey... (Y/n)??" I walked closer

She turned around and she gasped. She took a few step back to run "wait, wait, it's me Mikey! Don't you recognize my voice?" Her eyes widen and then she walked closer. She laid her hand on cheek softly.

"Tell me the first time we met." She said in a serious tone.
I retold how we met then she got excited and jumped in to my arms and kissed me. I froze in place she stopped.

"I'm so so sorry! I just got excited... and I think you look really cool and... humph" I picked her up and kissed her back as I spun her around.  We talked for a while and kissed a few more times. "Damn I almost forgot... I got you a  gift" when she opened the bag it was an Enderman plush. It was so cute.

"I love it, (y/n) thank you. " she hugged me shyly but I picked her up again and kissed her more. We passed the night in bliss.

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