Creek - Friends

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"And then she-"

Clyde's continuous talking is cut off by my phone ringing. Again.

I planned on ignoring it again.

"Dude, will you please just answer your phone already?" Clyde asks, clearly getting irritated to be continuously interrupted by my phone.



I sigh and roll my eyes, "I'll be right over, Tweek."

Then, I hung up.

I stared at my phone for a second, then flipped it off.

"So, you still hand out with that freak?" Clyde asks leaning back against the chair.


"Why?" Clyde asks, "I mean, he's such a loser."

"Yeah, but I don't know. I guess I just feel bad for him."

"Aww Cwaig has feewings."

"Fuck you, Clyde," I say flipping him off, "I'll be back later."

"I'll be waiting!" Clyde calls snickering right after.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and slowly walk over to Tweek's house.

I'm never in an rush to go to Tweek's. He calls me almost three times a day.

I knock on the door and it flings open and I get yanked inside.

"GAH!" Tweek shrieks and slams the door behind me, "Y-YOU CAME JUST IN TIME!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know," I say pulling his hands out of his hair.

Sure, I don't smile or show much emotion, but I've never seen Tweek smile. Ever. He always looks and acts really worried.

He sighs shakily, "T-Thanks for coming h-here."

"I want you to stop calling me all the time."

Tweek stares at me for a second. He blinks slowly before turning his head down.


"Why do you call me all the time anyway?"

"W-Well... I just... I t-trust you. I-I mean, you're the o-only one that doesn't c-call me a freak."

I blinked at him, "I still don't want you to call me all the time."

"O-Oh... I-I didn't mean to b-bother you... I-I just thought s-since we were friends a-and all..." He says rubbing his hands together before folding them together.

I stare at him as he continues to fumble with his hands.

"W-We are friends, r-right?" He asks looking up at me.

"No, not really."

"O-Oh..." He says, his eyes getting watery.

He looks down, fumbling his hands together again.

"S-sorry..." He whispers, "I-I didn't mean t-to bother you..."


Then I turned around and walked out of his house, "B-Bye, Craig..." He mutters as I leave.

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