Creek - Unhappy

445 14 3

This was requested by @_Nics23_. It's a bit more Tweek-centric, but I hope you like it!

Tweek is happy. He is.

He swears, he is totally happy.

He doesn't have a reason to not be. He's got two (while aloof) loving parents, he's doing fine in school, and he even has an amazing boyfriend...

Don't get him wrong, Craig is an amazing boyfriend. They have a great relationship, it's everything he ever wanted- Craig is willing to deal with him and he tells him he loves him often, but...

Okay, fine, Tweek's not happy.

It has nothing to do with his caring parents, or his schoolwork, or his great boyfriend, or... or anything.

He can't help it. He can't do anything about it, not that he can think of.

It just happens sometimes, he guesses (hopes). He knows he doesn't have any reason to be sad or upset or... or whatever it is he's feeling. Hell, most of the time it feels like absolutely nothing, he feels like absolutely nothing.

He finds himself often awake in the middle of the night, thinking about everything and nothing. He wants to solely blame the copious amounts of caffeine he drinks daily, but even when he skips a mug or two toward the wee hours of the morning he can feel it.

He feels this crushing... nothing?

Okay, he knows he sounds stupid and crazy- and he is on both accounts, but there's no other way to put it.

He's unhappy. He can't even cry anymore about anything. He's tried, too. God, that's stupid too. Trying to cry.

His mom told him it would make him feel better, releasing some of that built up energy through emotional distress, but he can't.

He must be more broken than he thought.

It crushing. Devastating. Breaking. Nothing makes him feel happy. Nothing makes it better.

He doesn't want to tell anyone. He doesn't want to tell his parents- not the full extent and, god, he can't even imagine telling Craig.

He knows he can't tell Craig. He can't.

He doesn't want to give Craig the wrong idea. He doesn't want him to think he's unhappy with their relationship. He isn't.

He's unhappy with himself.

He's unhappy with how useless he is, how pathetic, how ugly, how broken.

He doesn't deserve to be happy, or even content. He doesn't deserve Craig or his parents or anything. He sucks. He's awful.

He's so, so, so unhappy. So dissatisfied with himself and... god, he feels even worse knowing he's complaining about being okay, or happy, or whatever.

God, he's so awful. He wants everything to be great. He wants to feel on cloud nine and have all the good things in his life mean something.

He wants his life to make him happy... he wants to be happy, he really does.

He just doesn't know how to do it.

He should be happy already...

Why isn't he happy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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