Tree Bros - Soulmates

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Requested by @cypressdraws

Evan was pretty sure that he didn't have a soulmate.

The whole topic of soulmates was still pretty taboo, mainly glorified in the media; with claims that everyone had a soulmate out there somewhere, that there was no such thing as unrequited soulmates, that there was no such thing as gay soulmates. Most people knew that these claims were not correct, one way or another, but a lot of people still believed in them.

Whenever you came in contact with your soulmate the world would go from black and white to colorful. It was described as overwhelming, vibrant, and beautiful.

Evan was certain he didn't have a soulmate. Even if he did have a soulmate, he wasn't sure he wanted one. His parents had been soulmates (as far as he knew, anyway), but they certainly did not work out well. Soulmates seemed like a kind of burden.... but part of him still wanted one.

He wished often that he had someone who was made for him- someone who loved him and wanted to be with him and made him feel complete.

But he knew it was unlikely and wasn't going to put much though into it.

That was until the day it happened. Sometimes he felt he was cursed in a way, with all the bad luck he had it was impossible to think otherwise.

It was the first day of his senior year, and he had to show up with a cast that he hoped and prayed no one would ask him about. Jared was making fun of him for his excuse for how he broke his arm.

Then, he bumped into someone. That someone being Connor Murphy. Connor and Evan hadn't really ever interacted with each other, at least not much. But when Evan bumped into him, the world exploded into color. There were so many different colors everywhere-

Then Evan was being pushed onto the ground. "Fucking freak!" Evan barely remembers what brought his on but sits on the ground as he watches Connor storm away.

"Dude," Jared says to his left, but Evan can't manage to pull his eyes away from Connor, "What just happened?"

"I don't-" Evan took a deep breath and looked down, "I don't know," He exhales quietly.

Evan thought about that interaction for the rest of the day. He was shocked with how much things looked different once they were colored- it was a little bit overwhelming with all the clashing colors so close together. It was giving him a little bit of a headache.

The bell rang and Evan exited his chemistry class calmly, then noticed Connor in the hallway. He wasn't quite sure what came over him, but he followed after Connor down the stairs, then out a side door of the school, and finally to the small woods nearby.

Then, Evan loses sight of Connor amongst the trees for a moment, but he doesn't mind it too much. He likes trees- they're calming and grounded in reality, but he also knows he shouldn't be here- he should be in the cafeteria for 7th period study hall like he always is, but if he walks in now, about five minutes late by the time he gets back, then he'll get a detention- and everybody will look at him weird and-

Evan in suddenly pushed against a tree next to him, knocking the wind out of him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Connor asks, gripping Evans wrists tighter.

"I uh..." Evan barely chokes out, still trying to catch his breath, his face flushing, "I-I'm... no-not-"

"Don't lie to me," Connor seethes.

"I-I'm not! I uh I didn't m-mean to-" Evan stutters out, finally opening his eyes and looking at Connor. Connor was... beautiful. Evan felt ever thing he was going to say die on his lips- he was just- it was....

Connor gave him a confused look. "What?" He asks.

"Umm..." Evan mutters, twisting his wrists slightly, but Connor doesn't let go, he only slackens his grip. "I um-"

"Spit it out."

"You're my soulmate," Evan whispers half dreamily, half embarrassedly.

Connor doesn't say anything for a moment, and it worries Evan a little, but he no longer looks as angry. "I know," Connor says simply.

"Uh then why did y-you run away earlier? Y'know in the uh hallway when-"

"Because it didn't happen," Connor says, letting go of Evan's wrists, but not stepping away from him.

"But it uh it did," Evan says. He flushes again at this and Evan rubs his wrist slightly. Connor watches him do so.

"Did I... hurt you?" Connor whispers the last part. He didn't really know what he wanted to say, or do.

Evan shook his head, "Uh no, you didn't, I'm fine. Thanks," Evan looked back up at Connor and this time he met his eyes. They're eyes stayed connected and Connor felt heat rush to his face.

"I'm Evan..."


"I know," Evan says dazedly. "That sounded creepy- that's not what I meant-"

"It's fine. I got it," Connor said. Evan twitched slightly, his hand bumping against Connor's, making Connor flinch and take a step back. "Um sorry."

"It's okay..." Evan says, "um about the whole soulmate thing- unless you don't want to talk about it then don't worry about it- do you uh not like me or... uh something?"

"It's not that..." Connor says quietly without thinking about it, "It's just, I don't think it's a good idea for us to..." Connor doesn't finish. He just looks at Evan.

Evan flushes and looks down, "Uh Yeah, of course. I get it-" Evan laughs forcibly, "Of course. Who would even- Yeah- of course-"

Connor grabs Evan's hand, and Evan stops talking and looks back up at Connor. "I'm... not exactly a great person," Connor admits quietly.

Evan nods hazily, "Yeah. I mean me neither." They're both quiet for a moment, their hands still intertwined. "I um I would like to try with you. I like you," Evan looks away from Connor, his face turning red, "I think you're um pretty."

"What?" Connor nearly stutters.

Evan looks back at Connor, "You're pretty." Evan reaches up with the hand Connor isn't holding, with new, fragile confidence he hasn't felt before and he tucks back a piece of Connor's long hair behind his ear and Connor leans toward him slightly. "I like your hair... a-and your eyes."

"Th-Thanks," Connor whispers, feeling his face heat up and himself leaning down. "I like your eyes too," he says quietly, "A very nice shade of blue... like... blueberries."

"Blueberries," Evan repeated with a chuckle, "Thanks," he said smiling at Connor who attempted to return it.

"Is it okay if I... kiss you?" Connor asks bashfully. Evan nods slowly and Connor leans even closer but stops a few centimeters away from Evan's lips. He twitches slightly, suddenly unsure and dreadful. Evan didn't mind though, knowing exactly how that felt and leaning the rest of the way in gently. He cupped Connor's face calmly and tilted his head, feeling elated and dazed.

Connor pulled away first letting go of Evan's hand, "Thanks..." he said embarrassedly. Evan giggles slightly.

"You're welcome?" Evan says letting go of Connor's face.

"I'll see you later," Connor says as he walks away, not toward the school, Evan notes, and Evan nods even though Connor can't see him do so.

"Yeah," He says happily, "Yeah, of course." Connor smiled as he walked away and Evan curled his hand into his shirt. Today was a good day.

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