Bendy - Wholesome Fluff

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Bebe combed her hands through her curly hair, her hand getting caught in permanent tangled that never seemed to go away. Heidi was currently babbling on about something- Bebe didn't care and was therefor not listening, but she did notice that Wendy wasn't there.

Heidi, Wendy, and Bebe had a fourth period study hall together right before lunch, and Wendy for one reason or another wasn't there. Bebe didn't remember her saying anything about it earlier...

"Hey, Heidi," Bebe interrupts, now only twisting the ends of her blonde locks, "Have you seen Wendy?"

Heidi tilted her head, "Yeah, she was here during Biology. Why?"

"Do you know where she is now?" Bebe dropped her perfectly manicured hands to the table, "She didn't tell me she wasn't coming to fourth period today..."

Heidi shrugged and rolled her eyes, "Does it matter? You two are always attached at the hip, maybe she finally considered her need for some time away from you."

"Oh fuck you, Heidi," Bebe said sweetly as she stood up, "I'm going to go look for her."

"Yeah, whatever," Heidi muttered crossing her arms, visibly upset.

Bebe checked the main places Wendy was usually, the library, the chemistry room, her locker, but she didn't find her anywhere.

On her way back, she finally found Wendy sitting outside in the school's garden.

Bebe opened the door, the sound making Wendy turn and when she saw Bebe she smiled.


"Wendy-" they both started at the same time.

Wendy blushed and lowered her head slightly, "What's up?"

Bebe felt her own cheeks brighten at this action and giggled slightly, "Not much. Why weren't you at fourth period?"

Wendy pushed her hair behind her ear, it was starting to get really long; Bebe liked it longer. "I thought I'd change it up, I guess..." she paused looking at Bebe directly, "I just... I've been thinking about something lately..."

"Oh...?" Bebe wanted to walk towards her and sit with her, but she felt frozen in place. Wendy's tone was... weird. She'd heard it before, she just couldn't place it. "What is it?"

"Just... listen first, okay?" Bebe modded without much thought, her hand still barely holding the door open, "I think I like someone. I think have for a really long time now... and... it's weird, I guess. You know those times when you think you know someone really well, and then something changes? And they change? Well, more like, how you feel about them changes? I think I really like them and I don't know what to do."

Why are you saying 'them'? was all Bebe wanted to ask, but she just nodded slowly. There was a lump in her throat that she couldn't swallow. She was nervous, so nervous, and she didn't even know why. "Yeah... I know exactly what you mean..."

"Is it worth it, Bebe? I mean what if I'm wrong?  What if they don't like me back?"

"Who wouldn't like you, Wen?" Bebe smiled at her friend. Wendy was never usually self-conscious or unsure and it was cute to see her that way. "You're amazing. You're smart, beautiful, funny, and everything anyone could ever ask for. You're perfect."

"I'm not perfect," Wendy laughed the flush returning to her face, "But I'm happy you'd say stuff like that."

"I'm not just saying," Bebe blurts out, her hand slips and the door closes, "You really are amazing, beautiful... and just perfect..." what am I saying? "Any guy... anyone would be lucky to have you...I..." don't "I just..."don't "wish you'd choose me."


Oh man.

"What?" Wendy bursts out, her voice just above a whisper, "you... you like me?"

Bebe blushes heavily, the red burning through her concealer brightly, and she nods lowering her head, "Course I do."

Bebe can hear Wendy get up and she looks up as her footsteps approach her.

Wendy smiled softly, brushing a stray lock of blonde hair over Bebe's ear and holding her hand there before bringing her lips to hers.

It's barely more than a peck, but it's perfect in every way. Bebe smiles and her blush persists as Wendy chuckles quietly, "I'm glad you like me too."

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