RichJake - Pining

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I wanted to try something new, and this is one of my favorite pairings from BMC without enough fanfics and art, so...

(Rich's POV)

I didn't think everything would just go back to normal after the whole squip thing, but I didn't expect it to be so different from then either.

And, honestly, I think I would've preferred everyone just ignoring the entire squip thing and just pretending everything was normal when it certainly was not.

But, I don't know how to act around anyone anymore.

Especially Jake.

He's supposed to be my best friend, but it almost feels like he's avoiding me. And, every time we are together, we sit in awkward silence or in weird stammers of small talk.

It's as if we've never met.

I've never felt so uncomfortable. And worst of all it's with my best friend.

I sigh at the cafeteria table I'd become accustomed to sitting at after everything had happened. I guess I'm lucky Jake still talks to me at all because no one else at my old table who were my "friends" even bother to say so much as a "hi" in the hallway.

Not that I feel like talking much with my voice all fucked up from my lisp. You never know how much you absolutely loathe something until it randomly reappears.

I'm just eating my sandwich when suddenly Jake sits down next to me. I nearly choke, and end up coughing.

"Oh God," he says, patting me on the back slightly, "I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to scare you, man."

I nod, my face flushing slightly. I look up at him and our eyes meet. I look away quickly, but I can feel his eyes staring into my soul and burning a hole in my cheek.

"So... uh... what's up?" He asks awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Uh... not much?" I answer hesitantly, looking down at my hands gripping the edge of the table.

"Right, right. Um... Rich?"

I look up at him, his face is slightly pink and he's not looking at me anymore.

"Yeah?" I whisper.

"Never mind- it's stupid- I'll just-" I grab his hand as he starts to pull away and he stares at our conjoined hands.

I rip my hand away like it's been burned and force a super fake laugh, "Oh... uh oopth! I didn't mean to do that."

"Oppth," he repeats mindlessly smiling.

I feel my face flush in embarrassment. Of course he would mock my stupid lisp.

He retakes my hand drawing my attention back to him, "Sorry, it's just... you're lisp is really... cute," he whispers "cute" like it's some secret he's kept for years and doesn't want to revel.

"Thankth..." I blush. I can feel my hand begin to sweat and I pray he doesn't notice.

"You know, if you... wanna hang out after school, we can," he says locking his eyes to mine, making it impossible to look away, "We are best friends after all... aren't we?"

I want to tell him that we're more, or something else and I can't muster up the guts to do so-"Yeah- yeah. Thure. Of courthe."

He smiles and I smile back, my face feeling warm and my head feeling light.

"Okay, cool. I'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah," I nod, smiling.

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