Creek - Valentine's Colored Blue

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Tweek had never considered himself a romantic guy. Hell, he didn't think he should mix in romance to his hot mess of a life, there was no way that could make anything better.

So, he didn't get involved with dating and romance and so on.

It may sound hard, but it wasn't because no one really had an interest in him anyway.

However, Tweek did like one person.

One person who was not a girl.

One person who was definitely straight. Maybe. Probably.

One person who absolutely didn't like him back.

So, that was the only hard part. Kind of. He couldn't date him anyway if he did like him back, but at least he didn't feel pressured to tell him about his feelings.

Oh, who might this "person" be?

None other than his friend, Craig Tucker.

Maybe friend is too strong a word because Tweek was fairly certain they were more so acquaintances rather than friends. They barely ever spoke to each other!

So, when Tweek went to his locker on Valentine's day, he was a little more than surprised to find a card when he opened the door.

The card wasn't the stereotypical pink most cards were, instead it was a pale blue. Tweek picked it up and read over the short, but to the point message:

Will you be my valentine?

Sure, Tweek had seen more romantic cards and would have certainly been unimpressed with the creativity, if he wasn't so ecstatic that he received a card from Craig!

Tweek decided he was obligated to make a card in return, so he went to work right away on some olive green paper.

Maybe he'd have to make an acceptation to his  anti-dating rule...

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