Creek - Loss

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Craig wiped his face tiredly.

Was it even worth it anymore? He could barely breathe- he felt so awful.

He hated how much he kept crying over something as stupid as this. He hated this whole scenario.

He was so upset with himself for not doing something to prevent this.

He had so much he could've done- but nothing.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see the stupid empty cage that once had a guinea pig, but no longer did.

Craig felt his chest tighten at the simply remembrance of Stripe. God, he already missed that dumb little guinea pig and it had only been a few days.

"Craig?" A shaky voice from outside he door calls, "A-Are you okay? C-Can I come i-in?"

Craig doesn't answer, but the door opens just the same. Craig buries his face back into his pillow. He didn't want Tweek to see him like this.

This whole scenario was stupid and Craig was stupid for making such a big deal about it- letting it affect him so much-

"Craig?" Craig feels a weight on the edge of his bed as Tweek sits down next to him. Craig rolls over to face the wall. Tweek frowns and lays down next to Craig looking up at the stars stuck on the ceiling.

Craig gripped his own jacket angrily- upsetly- frustratedly- he didn't know, he wasn't good with emotions, but he didn't feel good. He already threw up earlier and hadn't stopped crying ever since his dad told him they had to get rid of Stripe.

Craig knew Stripe was getting old and they had to do something because Stripe could barely move sometimes and got sick a lot and- Craig whimpered slightly out of his control, as tears streaked down his face, falling over the bridge of his nose as laid on his side.

"Craig," Tweek repeats sadly. Craig can feel Tweek sit up on his bed, then Tweek's hand on his shoulder. "I... I don't know wh-what to tell you... because I-I don't know if it's go-going to get bet-better..." Tweek's voice gets shakier and Craig almost wants to comfort him instead, but he doesn't feel like he could.

"Thanks..." he says instead, dripping with sarcasm he didn't quite intend, but did feel.

Tweek removed his hand from Craig shoulder, and laid back down, but he turned on his side and wrapped his arm around Craig, burying his face in Craig's back. Craig took a deep breath.

"I know l-losing something imp-important to you really hur-hurts..." Tweek continues, his voice barely above a whisper, "but it's n-not your fault... and it's o-okay to feel sad ab-about it..."

"I could've done something to help," Craig weeps, "We didn't- that wasn't the only option." Tweek remained silent to this. "I'm just so frustrated that this all happened," Craig says, more tears dripping down his face, "And I hate that I feel so upset about it."

"B-But it's okay-"

"It's not okay," Tweek had never heard Craig sound so... broken before, it made his heart clench in a painful way, "It's not okay. I'm not okay. I just want to be happy, but it's so difficult. Stripe... Stripe really helped me through things. It was someone who counted on me, and liked me, and wanted me around no matter what..." Craig took a shaky breath, "And I don't have that anymore. I feel so awful."

"Craig..." Tweek barely manages to say, tears welling in his eyes, "I care about you. I n-need you and I c-can't wait to see you everyday and..." Craig held his breath as Tweek tighten his grip on Craig's hoodie, "I love you."

Craig felt more tears streak down his face as he turned to look back a Tweek, who loosened his grip and sat up to let him move. "Don't be mad-"

"Shut up," Craig cried and hugged Tweek tightly. "I love you too, idiot," he gasped. Tweek wrapped his arms around Craig too, holding him tightly as Craig cried.

"You don't ha-have to be alone th-through this," Tweek said, "I'm here f-for you."

"Thank you..."

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