|Ch. 1|

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As my eyes were comfortably facing the back of my head of a well-needed sleep, I quickly arose to an authoritative sound. I automatically realized that it was Mrs. Holiday forcefully telling the class what would happen if we tore off our necklaces.

"Now no one has ever taken off their necklace," she exclaimed, "and I expect all of you to do the same. As you already can imagine, there are and will be treacherous consequences."

I rolled my eyes and looked at Brian seated next to me. He was casually resting his head in his hands trying his best to take a nap. My eyes caught the shining necklace that hung from his neck. As expected, it matched mine. I smiled as I gripped my identical half.

In our world, we were born with a specific necklace that matched our soulmates. I never really looked for my soulmate until I came to Blue Ridge University and I started to get this warm feeling in my necklace.

My friend pressured me to go to a frat party the first weekend of college and that's where I met Brian. We instantly had a connection and we've been together for almost two years. I know it's not that romantic of a story, but I'm glad I found him. He makes me happy and that's all that matters, right?

"So what happens, Mrs. Holiday," Matt asked while slouching back in his seat, "if we were to take ours off?" He propped his feet up on the desk defiantly, waiting for a response.

"Well, Matt," she began, "you will never actually be able to find your true soulmate. If that doesn't scare you enough, the police will find the right consequence for you."

I sat up in my seat and listened closely.

"The police? What does law enforcement have to do with any of this? It's just a necklace," said Alex, suddenly rising up from his seat.

Brian's head unintentionally hit the desk as he awakened from his nap. I giggled and glanced over to Alex. He turned to me and smirked, but proceeded to stubbornly glare at the teacher.

Alex was a constant mystery to me. He never spoke up in class until today and was always early. I and everyone else saw him as the teachers pet, or so we thought. Something about him was just so odd and enticing. Especially seeing him tell off the teacher.

"Alex, sit back down in your seat. It is the duty of each and every one of you to keep your necklaces on, so that way you can find your soulmate. Is that not what you want Alex?" Mrs. Holiday said, crossing her arms around her chest.

Alex hopped down off of his seat, wiped his finger through his long blonde hair, picked up his black, torn book bag and stormed out of the classroom. 

"At least we don't have to worry about that," Brian said to me, "I already found my soulmate." He smiled as he put his arm on my shoulder. I smiled back and rested my head on his.

Brian and I walked through the halls of college hand in hand as he greeted other students.

Brian is the president of his fraternity and is well known throughout our college. Most know him for his wild parties and of course, for his good looks. I mean I couldn't deny that his gorgeous brown hair and beautiful blue eyes were charming. He was every girls dream soulmate, yet I still have no clue as to why I was paired with him.

"You ready for that party this weekend bro?" said Erik as he fist bumped Brian.

"Yeah man, it's going to be lit," said Brian as he gripped my hand even harder and smiled at me.

"I suppose you'll be there too, Maddie," said Erik.

"Yeah, I'll be there for sure," I replied.

I hated parties. I never wanted Brian to know, but I'm just not a party girl. It explains why I wasn't in a sorority. I pretended to love parties and be involved in all the games but the beer, the atmosphere, everything just wasn't how I envisioned my Saturday nights. Especially watching all of those girls grinding up next to Brian as he tried his best to fight them off.

Brian and I ventured outside into the beautiful Virginia sunlight, which was nice for this warm August afternoon. We passed by some other sorority girls who attempted to subtly look Brian up and down. I rolled my eyes and walked on.

"How did I get so lucky to have you?" said Brian smiling.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Alex walking towards us. I couldn't help but glance at him.

"Hello? Earth to Maddie? What planet are you on?" Brian questioned as he waved his hands in my face.

I darted my gaze quickly towards Brian hoping he hadn't realized who I was staring at. Brian lightly pushed my hair behind my ear as his piercing blue eyes locked mine. Just as Alex was walking past us, Brian grabbed my face and gave me a graceful kiss. I smiled and gave him a tight hug.

Looking over his shoulder, I could see Alex walking towards a patio chair and sitting down.

"I have to go to my dreadful science class, but I'll meet you right after?" Brian said sadly as he pulled away from the hug, still holding onto my arms.

I nodded my head as his grip loosened and his hands slipped away. I always hated not seeing Brian all the time. He was honestly my best friend and soulmate, so he was technically my only college friend.

Sadly, all my other friends ditched me when they found out that Brian was my soulmate because they got jealous. I was still excited that I found Brian but everyday I wish I had my friends back.

I watched Brian as he left to go to class and then glanced around the patio chairs and tables to see if I recognized anyone. My gaze instantly met Alex's as I noticed him flipping pages in a huge textbook.

This was the day I finally go and talk to him.

'No I can't. I can't do it, people will think I'm a freak. Alright Maddie, just be casual and walk over to him.' I thought.

I finally mustered the courage to slowly walk over to him.

His long blonde hair was covering half his face as he was intently reading.

"Nice scene back there in class," I said quietly.

Alex's gaze reached mine as his piercing green eyes seemed like they were looking into my soul. He sat there for what seemed like an eternity studying my face.

"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked sarcastically.

"Look I didn't come here to ridicule you. Brian is hosting a party this weekend, and I wanted to see if you wanted to come?"

"Me? Wow, it only takes one daring thing, such as storming out of a classroom, to be asked to a frat party," Alex said, rolling his eyes.

I never realized he was this sarcastic. Well then, I've never spoken to him before but he always seemed like a goody two shoes guy who stayed out of trouble, but his demeanor was telling me something different.

"Look, I just thought it would be nice to ask people around campus if they wanted to come, that's all," I stated.

"Well, I don't need your pity invite. Parties just aren't my thing," He said with his eyes locked on mine.

It was like he was following my every move, studying me to see if I matched up to how perfect Brian was. I knew I was failing, I was nothing compared to Brian.

"Alright, well you're always welcome if you want to come," I said smiling.

I turned my body in the opposite direction. I could still sense his eyes glaring at the back of my head. There was just something about him that intrigued me and I was determined to know more.

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