|Ch. 10|

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I impatiently tapped my fingers on my wooden desk as I looked up frantically at the clock fixated in the front of the classroom. I could hear my education professor droning on about the importance of being organized.

I internally rolled my eyes as my heart started to beat faster every time the clock ticked. I looked over at the girl beside me as she was sleeping on her textbook with drool dangling out of her mouth.

I looked back at the teacher holding back laughter as I heard her say, "Okay class, don't forget to do the online homework. You are dismissed."

I immediately rushed out of the classroom dodging students as they looked at me befuddled.

I heavily breathed as the huge doors opened in front of me and I hurried to Mrs. Holiday's class. I was never late to a class and the fear of walking in late humiliated me.

I suddenly stopped in front of the wooden door that was shut. I glanced in the tiny window and saw Mrs. Holiday going on with her lecture. My eyes wandered to Alex who was situated towards the front of the classroom paying complete attention.

I steadied my breathing and walked into the classroom. I scanned the room for Brian but didn't see him anywhere. I walked up the stairs as I was fighting the urge to sit next to Alex. I wandered to my seat finally and sat down.

Where could Brian possibly be? He never missed this class since it was the only one he and I had together.

"Your necklace is the window to your soulmate, do not tamper with them," I heard Mrs. Holiday state.

I tried to drone out Mrs. Holiday's voice as I couldn't help but continue to stare at Alex. My heart would beat faster every time I saw his eyes light up when Mrs. Holiday would answer a question.

"What happens if you fall in love with someone else, other than your soulmate?" asked a student on my row.

My eyes drifted away from Alex and my heart began to patter nervously. My head began to spin and I could feel my forehead heating up.

"Well, I don't think we have a problem with that, considering that hasn't happened before," Mrs. Holiday calmly answered.

"But hypothetically speaking, what if it did?" the student said perking up.

Why was this happening? Guilt struck me instantly as I couldn't keep my eyes off of Mrs. Holiday struggling to answer the girls question.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Alex beginning to cross his arms and his hair covered half of his to conceal his expression.

I desperately was wondering what he was thinking at this moment.

"I'm sure there are consequences for those actions, but that is not my decision," Mrs. Holiday said as she began to get flustered.

"Whose decision is it then?" another student said from across the room.

"Law enforcement."

An instant hush entered the room as a pen could be heard dropping from the silence. I began to nervously tap my fingers as I could see my hands becoming red.

"Are you okay?" the girl beside me asked.

"Yeah, I'm just not feeling very well," I answered.

I felt like the room was spinning as I heard Mrs. Holiday ask if anyone had any other questions.

"Why do you keep on mentioning law enforcement, it's just a necklace?" another guy in the back of the classroom asked.

"It's not just a necklace. It's the key to finding your soulmate, the one person you will spend the rest of your life with. This necklace is in place for you to not have to go through the heartbreak and pain of anyone else. With this necklace, you will be sure of who you're meant to be with."

But who were the people that decided that? Who placed Brian and I together before we were even born and thought we would be a good fit?

"Alright class, that's enough for today. If you have anymore questions, you can ask me them in private. Class is dismissed," Mrs. Holiday stated.

I saw Alex slowly pick up his book bag and put the straps around his arms.

Suddenly, the girl beside me accidentally bumped into my legs and said, "I'm sorry, I hope you feel better."

"Thanks," I mustered.

I looked back over at Alex's seat and didn't see him there. My eyes frantically glanced around the room as I saw him walking out the door. I hastily picked up my book bag and sprinted down the stairs trying to catch up to him.

I slowed my stride realizing I was right behind him. I saw his blonde hair glistening as I silently walked behind him in the hallway. I mustered for some word to say to him but I couldn't. I took a deep breath trying to compose myself.

I tapped Alex on the shoulder and said, "Hey, how have you been?"

He turned around with a muddled look on his face. His expression changed once he saw my face.

"Woah, the Maddie is talking to me in person, in front of people, what is this madness?" Alex said as he turned around and kept walking.

I jogged over next to him to catch up and replied, "Yes, I am talking to you, you know it's rude when you don't answer people's questions. I see past you Alex and I know what you're thinking."

Alex muffled a slight laugh but kept his gaze forward trying not to make eye contact.

"That was a pretty heated class, wasn't it?" I said, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah," Alex replied still staring forward.

"Are you okay?" I asked with an uneasy look on my face.

"Yes, I'm fine. Are you?"

I stuttered out a quiet, "Yeah."

Alex turned to look at my face and huffed, "You sure?"

I knew he saw past my lies and sometimes it bugged me.

"Why don't you tell me?"

Alex looked over at me as his eyes widened. I rapidly glimpsed away from him keeping my eyes locked ahead of me as my pace quickened.

Alex lunged his arm out to stop me from walking away and his hand laid on my shoulder. I briefly spun around as his eyes tried to meet mine.

I kept glancing down at the floor as he said, "If it's about that class.."

I quickly cut him off with a shallow, "No."

Alex took his hand off my shoulder as my gaze went up to meet his.

"Maddie, ignore them. They are just trying to scare you. If you feel strong about someone, then you can't change that. You do, don't you?"

I mustered out a quiet, "Yes."

This was the first time I had even admitted out loud that I liked Alex. My mind was telling me this was wrong, but my heart was telling me to go for it.

Alex smiled at me as he took a step back and said, "Well, you know where to find me."

I watched Alex as he turned in the opposite direction. His long sandy blonde hair blew as people whisked by him and a warm feeling welled up inside me.


YAY! Chapter 10! I am so excited about how this book just keeps on getting more juicy lol. So what do you think of Maddie second guessing herself? And, what do you perceive of Alex so far? I love hearing yall's predictions of what will happen next so let me know in the comments :)

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