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What made you name the book Firefly?

I had actually made a short film almost 1 and a half years ago that was named Firefly. It had some of the same preface of this book but without the necklace part. I took a lot of the narration out of it and put it in the book. Fireflies exude a sense of hope in the darkness. Chapter 3 really explains the whole ordeal as to why the book is called Firefly. Considering that Alex and Maddie reflect their love by using a metaphor of a firefly, that's what I deemed to be the books name ☺️

What is your main purpose for the story?

My main purpose in this story was to tell people that no matter what your friends, family, or anyone else says, you are the only one who can make up your mind. Don't let other people's opinions become who you are. Just because people may push you to pursue something, you make up your mind about what you want to do with your life. Don't let other people run it ☺️

What is your inspiration for this story?

A lot of people originally think that I wrote this story based off of my own personal life but that is so far from it. I haven't ever been in love before so it was refreshing to just write about it with a new twist. Even though the characters are based off of people I know, the whole world of Firefly was thought up in my imagination. I didn't want to write another sappy romance novel where the girl finds her soulmate and they live happily ever after. I wanted to base this off of what would really happen in real life with actual emotion and realistic characters.

What made you write in 1st person?

I love reading first person books and didn't want to complicate it by making it a 3rd person book. I could never write the book from Alex's or Brian's perspective because I'm not a guy so it would've been harder for me to convey what they were thinking. Maddie's personality was just second nature to me so it seemed fitting to write in 1st person.

What made it to where you wanted to write a book?

It actually just to came to me in early May! I had originally had this idea in my head as a movie but once school ended and summer began, a thought occurred to me that I should write a book this summer, so I did!

What is the best thing about writing this book?

Probably seeing the characters develop and seeing how you guys would react to it! I definitely had a lot of fun writing plot twists to see how you guys would react and it was the best thing!

If you were in the same situation as Maddie, what would you have done?

Dang I probably wouldn't have had as much fight in me as she did. Knowing myself, I wouldn't have gone against the rules and liked someone else. But, Maddie had some spunk in her and I like that.

Which character was your favorite and how did you relate to them?

I LOVED writing Alex's part for sure! His dialogue is just so poetic that I totally missed writing his parts for the second half of the book. I kind of relate to Alex on the whole mysterious vibe that he portrays. But he is just so completely confident in what he wants and I admire him for that.

Will there be another story in the future?

I can't say no to that. I would love to write another book different from Firefly but for now, I don't have any ideas nor do I have time. But, I do hope to write another book if time allows after I graduate in December ☺

Are there any characters that are based off of your personal life?

The characters actually do resemble some people in my life. Brian is a mixture of all the guys I said "no" to or that didn't work out. All of their personalities are meshed into one person so it was fun to develop his character. Olivia and Sally represent all those girls in my life that I thought were my "friends." And Alex is more of a fantasy of mine that I would hope that someday I could meet as great of a guy as him.

It seemed a little too easy that Maddie got out of there and how did Megan escape her room?

Megan escaped through the vent as usual. I'm sure people found out that she had escaped. But, by that time she was already intervening with Maddie. Also, Maddie probably escaped easily because it's all a game to them. She most likely was able to escape because they "foolishly" let her. I'm sure they wanted Maddie to run and break up Alex and Sally's meeting. It was just pure delight for Mr. Bates to see that happen because it's all in their sickening plan.

Do you base Maddie off of yourself?

Yes I do. There are a lot character traits in Maddie that are in me. I don't like parties at all and I tend to be the more shy person like she is. Also, the way she way she was at the beginning of the book on allowing people to stampede over her life and not stick up for herself used to be the way I was. However, at the end of the book she learns what she wants and she doesn't let anyone get in the way. This is a character trait that I have adapted into my life as well and it's really cool to express it through her.

Will there be an epilogue or second book?

For right now, I don't plan on it. I wrote this book with a firm belief in my head of not writing a second book. Now that idea may change, so there is still hope! I do plan to actually add more chapters to Firefly to thicken the plot even more but that wouldn't happen until December. For right now, I don't have any ideas of a second book and it's extremely hard to follow up the first one so for now there will only be one book ☺️

And finally, the question you all have been waiting for....who does Alex turn around to? Was it Sally or was it Maddie?

This was an ending that I have implanted in my head since the very first chapter. And the thing is that there can be different interpretations done by you as a reader. It is an open ending. Maddie and Alex are two people who can't be together. It is because of certain circumstances that they can't be together, but they can't let each other go. There are fears of each of them changing their mind but when they are together nothing else matters. Each of their fears are forgotten for those moments and the time between/apart is what makes them incomplete. Just as their love is incomplete and open ended with limitless opportunities, so is the ending of the book.

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