|Ch. 28|

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The bright red Ferrari was hard to misplace between all the other bland black and white cars. It looked overly dazzled as the shiny license plate placed on the front of vehicle clearly read "Mr. Bates."

"Well how ironic is this," I mentioned twirling the keys around my fingers.

As I was approaching the vehicle, my foot almost tripped over something located on the cement. To my surprise, I looked down and picked up the handheld device turning it back and forth trying to decide what it was. A slight beeping sound erupted from it as I watched three flashing dots appear on the screen. I proceeded to click on the dot as the machine said, "Alex Porter."

Staring at the gadget in my hand, I watched as the dot didn't move and was still located in our usual spot. Quickly, I sped to the car and opened the door getting into the vehicle.

The car boomed, "Welcome, Where to?"

"You've got to be kidding me, everything talks here," I whispered.

I cleared my throat and grunted, "Alex Porter."

The car dinged as the ignition turned on and I grabbed the wheel flying around the corner in the garage. The screeching tires screamed as I didn't take my foot off the gas pedal with each barreling turn I made. Suddenly, I came up to a pearly gate fully shut closed as I pressed down on the brake almost jerking me out of the windshield.

Gulping, I peered out of the rolled up windows hoping that they couldn't see me. The guard looked the car up and down and motioned for another to open the gate.

I gazed out of the blackened car windows giggling to myself saying, "Mr. Bates thanks you."

I sped the car out of the complex looking in the rear view mirror at the humongous pearly glass building I had just escaped. Even though Megan wasn't here with me, I was going to do this for us and everyone who didn't get a chance to tell that person how they really felt. It was my time to change the rules.

Looking over the screen on the car, I saw my blinking dot coming nearer to Alex's. I gripped the steering wheel harder allowing the adrenaline to surge through my body. My legs shook at the very thought of seeing Alex. I turned the car down the recognizable winding roads realizing how close I was. The trees flew past as I pushed down on the gas trying to reach the destination quicker.

Surging forward, I saw the lone street lamp and pulled over to the side of the road. I looked out of the back windshield seeing someone open a car door.

Making a mad dash towards my car, Olivia screamed, "Dad!"

"Are you kidding me?" I whispered.

I grabbed the navigational gadget from the car and slowly got out, revealing myself. Olivia's once ecstatic face turned to horror as she came to a halt.

"What are you doing here?" she snarled.

I dragged my feet on the ground trying to gain my senses as I heard the leaves crackle underneath me from the force.

"I could say the same thing to you," I spat back.

She rolled her eyes glaring at me up and down. We stood there for a moment trying to take in what just happened.

Stepping closer to me, she said, "Don't ruin this. Just leave."

I laughed in her face contemplating if I should joke about how even more ridiculous her make up looked up close.

Instead, I calmly replied, "I can't do that. Sorry, for ruining your little plans but it's my turn now."

Pushing past her, I stepped onto the crisp leaves but her hand grabbed my shoulder pulling me back around to face her.

"You don't even love him. How can you love someone you've never even kissed?" she exasperatingly said.

Her eyes beamed with pride as the emotions rolled within me. Trying to collect my thoughts, Olivia smirked with valor in front of me. The breeze blew with force as a car whipped past the road. I breathed in the winter air, letting it float into my lungs.

Finally, I let my heart out saying, "You don't have to kiss someone to know that you love them. It's a beautiful thing to love someone with all your heart and soul for who they are, not what they can just give you physically. This kind of feeling in my heart is unconditional. There are constant butterflies and this person standing out there is the love of my life. Is that so hard to understand?"

Olivia stepped back from me as she scoffed, "Well, you are too late anyway."

My eyes looked down at the device gripped in my right hand as I turned it facing towards me. A white dot was beginning to track nearer to Alex's and I looked back up at Olivia.

"No, I'm not," I said running past her.

My legs gained momentum as I heard Olivia scream, "My dad will not stand for this! You just wait, Maddie!"

The breeze pushed back my hair as the fallen leaves crunched underneath my white tennis shoes. I dodged trees left and right as I clenched my hands for a surge of power in my legs. After running for what seemed like forever, the energy was taking a toll on me as I tried harder and harder to catch my breath. Suddenly, my breathing gave out as I gripped onto the trunk of a huge oak tree trying to regain my breath.

With every pant I made, I could hear a stillness in the air that seemed ominous. I slowly turned my head around detecting a guard decked out in army wear. I dug my finger in the bark as I made a mad dash allowing branches to hit me from all directions.

"Stop!" The guard bellowed.

My feet began leaping over branches as I ran as fast as possible. Turning my head around every few feet, I saw the guard slowly disappear from my view.

Nearing the end of the woods, I came to a halt seeing Alex stand with his back towards me. His muffled sandy blonde hair blew in the breeze as I blinked a few times trying to make sure I wasn't in a dream. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sally making her way out of the woods. Her neatly straightened short brown hair grazed her shoulders. She wore a pair of skinny jeans with a flashing red coat as I could vividly see a breath escape her lips and flutter into the air.

My eyes locked hers as she confusingly looked at me. I realized that I was unrecognizable to everyone out here except Alex. She studied me for a few seconds before refocusing her gaze towards Alex.

I dug my feet into the ground as we both made a mad dash sprinting towards Alex. My feet thudded on the soft grass as my arms swung vigorously beside me gaining momentum. We were neck and neck running with everything in us to reach him.

Every inch in my body surged with vitality as we neared Alex. My mind scattered to the memories we shared and the thought of being enveloped into his arms again. The contemplation of seeing his green eyes gaze towards me caused my spine to shiver. However, my mind wondered on if he really wanted me anymore. Even though he would always remember me, would he ever truly remember the way he felt?

Suddenly, a hand lightly touched Alex's shoulder as he turned around and smiled at the girl he had been waiting for.


I am just filled with so many emotions right now that all I can truly say is THANK YOU! Be prepared there will be a Q&A, song playlist, and trailer that will be released :) Comment down below what you thought and name one thing that you learned from this book! There are a lot of hidden valuable life lessons in this book so let me know what you gained from reading it! :)

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