|Ch. 9|

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Alex tried to make small talk with me on the way back to campus to relieve my mind of Brian. It seemed to be working until we pulled into the parking lot of my dorm.

"Crap, no you have to turn around," I yelled hunching down in my seat.


"Because that's Brian's car parked right outside," I stammered as I pointed to Brian's Range Rover.

Alex looked over at me flabbergasted and tapped his hands on the steering wheel quickly looking at me and then Brian's car. Suddenly, he whipped the car around and out of the parking lot.

"Why do you do that?" I asked him breathing a sigh of relief.

"Do what?" He asked as he pulled into the parking lot of the library.

"Help me with Brian?"

His mouth seemed to search for an answer as I could see it quivering. Nothing came out.

"Do you have books anywhere in here?" I questioned.

"Yeah, they are in the back of the truck," Alex said as he looked at me perplexed.

"Can I borrow them?"

"What are you trying to do, Maddy? Just tell me."

"Wow, I stumped the psychology major. Just get them for me, please. I have to at least act like I was studying at the library all day instead."

Alex exited the vehicle and grabbed a pile of books. I got out of the passenger seat as he handed me the science books.

"Thank you," I huffed.

I turned around to head back to the dorm when all of the sudden I hear Alex say, "There is something I do know for sure about you Maddie."

"What is that?" I replied as I whipped around and stared at him.

"You mean a lot to me," He stated.

His smile seemingly was lost as he turned his gaze away from me. He kicked a rock on the road waiting for me to reply. I stood there motionless. I watched as he gave me a solemn expression and got back into his truck and drove away.

I stood there with my mouth hanging open. I couldn't believe Alex was actually telling me that he liked me. I felt like a giggly middle school girl realizing her crush liked her right now.

I strutted back to my dorm, book in hand. I had a bigger skip in my step and my smile was as wide as possible. Nothing could ruin my day now. Or, so I thought.

My eyes caught Brian sitting outside my dorm as he was looking down at the ground. Well, maybe I could get past him without him realizing, right?

Wrong. He looked right up at me as I was staring at him and lugging my books across the busy parking lot.

He ran over to where I was and picked up a few books off my arms to lighten my load.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"Where have you been Maddie? I was calling you all day. Did you not remember that we were suppose to go to Matt's?"

I sighed and began, "I'm sorry, I guess the time just slipped my mind since I was in the library studying all day."

"Well, you gave me a heart attack because I had no clue where you were. I thought something had happened," He said and stopped in his tracks.

I slowed my stride and slowly turned to face him. The thing was something else did happen. I was in love with Brian, but I was starting to develop these feelings for Alex that I didn't know were possible. I didn't know how to handle all these emotions towards Alex.

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