|Ch. 26|

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The room was utter chaos as I saw Mr. Bates make a mad dash out of the doors away from my view. My eyes scattered the room for who caused this insanity as I saw Megan slide down the rope from the vent located on the opposite side of the room. My legs made a sprint to where she was as I helped her land on the ground easily. She grinned widely holding multiple guns in her arms.

"I trust you with this," She began handing me a gun, "Now don't let me down."

I gripped the powerful gun in my hand which held the lives of the people I would soon kill. I gulped loudly looking at her scared.

"You got this," she reassuringly mentioned.

I nodded and asked, "Where did you learn to shoot so well? Dang."

She laughed and looked around at all the dead bodies laying lifelessly on the ground and said, "You don't everything about me Maddie. Criminal Justice majors have a lot more fire in them than you think."

My eyes widened as I slightly chuckled.

Suddenly, our eyes adjusted to the opening doors as I heard a loud voice booming, "They are in there!"

My head moved as if it were in slow motion towards Megan as she stared at me smirking.

"It's now or never," she said putting the rest of the guns in her bag and put it on her back.

I looked down at the gun as Megan nudged me telling me to follow her, gripping the gun tightly out in front of me ready for whoever stood in the way. Megan looked behind at me horrified and pushed my gun to face towards the ground.

"Are you crazy? Have you ever held a gun before? Dang Maddie, you could've blown my brains out doing that," Megan said rolling her eyes at me.

We edged closer towards the open door as I breathed out heavily trying to compose myself for what laid ahead of me. Megan held her gun out professionally and lead the way out the door firing multiple shots as I heard people's bodies crash on the ground. The yelling of wounded guards scattered my brain as I stood away from Megan, hesitant if I could handle this.

"Maddie?" Megan began as she continued keeping her eyes on the target, "Come on, you can do this."

I looked behind me at the screen which still illuminated as I saw Alex's face plastered on the wall.

"I'm coming for you," I whispered.

My feet marched one after another as I quickly drew the gun in front of me following beside Megan with a stern look on my face. I carefully watched as Megan drew her gun at a guard hidden behind a wall and shot his arm flinging the gun right out of his hand. He looked at us desperately and tried to figure out how to fend for himself. Before he could even lunge at us, I shot my gun towards him which plunged into the wall completely missing him. I looked over at Megan who was shocked and fired her gun aiming perfectly at him.

"Dear gosh Maddie, at least try to aim for him," Megan said laughing.

I giggled and watched as Megan stepped over the bodies laying on the floor. Following her, we we headed down a hall I had never seen before.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"Well, we need to figure out how to get out of here, don't we? I thought I would pay the surveillance guy a visit," she said.

I peered behind me seeing if anyone was following us as I relieving turned around quietly shadowing Megan. Shots were quickly fired in front of me as I saw two bodies fall to the ground at the end of the hall.

"You have got to teach me how to do that," I said.

Megan giggled and whispered, "You got the next one."

I watched as Megan slowed her pace allowing me to walk beside her.

"Just keep your eyes open, you can do this Maddie."

I widened my eyes as I perked my ears trying to get a keen sense of the next person who would come charging around the corner. We closely neared the corner as I heard slight footsteps and held the gun out. I saw a slim view of a shoe coming from around the corner as I aimed my gun and fired shooting the guy in the stomach and fired again nailing him in the neck as he fell.

"See? You got in you. It's all about concentration," Megan said.

Adrenaline rushed through every vein in my body as Megan patted me on the back for reassurance. I paced beside Megan as we rounded the corner facing no one on the hall.

"Well that's strange," I said staring at the empty hallway.

Megan ushered me to get behind her as she pointed to an illuminated room 20 feet ahead of us. I pushed my body against the wall as we inched closer. My breathing started to become heavier as Megan turned around looking at me, putting her finger up to her mouth in a "shhh" motion. I nodded as she cocked her gun in front of her. She turned the corner into the room as I heard a bang echo the hallway. Megan motioned her hand for me to follow as I walked into the room filled with surveillance cameras broadcasting on the wall.

I peered down at the desk situated in front of the monitors as it was cluttered with papers and empty chip bags. Reaching my hand out, I picked up a donut coupon fumbling it through my hands slightly laughing.

"What's the plan?" I questioned.

Megan's eyes scattered through the video cameras searching for a way out. I followed her gaze as my eyes caught a camera with guards piling one after another down a hallway.

"Megan," I said.

Megan still focused on the video cameras following them one after another.

"Um Megan," I sternly said again.

Megan whipped her head around staring at me with a concerned façade.

"What?" she asked.

I pointed towards the camera monitor as she quickly moved her eyes.

"Just give me a few seconds, I am almost there," she said.

I watched as the line of guards slowly progressed closer to where we were located. I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor as my eyes randomly stopped on the monitor where Mr. Bates was. I saw where multiple guards were situated outside of his office as he paced the floor talking on the phone.

"Got it!" Megan exclaimed pointing towards one of the monitors on the far left side.

I looked at it as I saw the door quickly open to reveal a garage full of cars as it hurriedly closed.

"We need to get there, so we can leave," Megan stated.

My head turned back to the monitor as I saw the guards quickly approaching only a few turns away from us.

"We need to go," I said walking towards the door.

"No, Not that way. Going on foot is too dangerous. This place is all the way across the building. I think I have a better way for us to go," she said looking at the vent positioned on the wall.


Surprise!! I AM BACK!!! I have missed writing this book so much! Thank you guys for all the "get well" messages, it really means a lot! Only 2 more chapter left to go! I don't know when the next chapter will be posted because I haven't even written it yet. I just finished writing this Chapter like 5 minutes ago and I was so excited that I had to post it immediately! Let me know in the comments what you think is going to happen :)

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