|Ch. 18|

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"Mom? Dad?" I stuttered.

I was in utter disbelief as I tried to stabilize my legs from quaking. How could the two people I love most betray me? Was my childhood a lie? Was my life a lie?

My mind began to fog everything out as the stood with their hands beside them not saying a word. They looked at me in anger and also sadness. I could tell they weren't happy with this situation anymore than I was. I just couldn't understand why they would do this to me.

"Well, this isn't exactly the way we wanted to tell you all this," my dad stammered.

His lightly greyed hair was fallen down on his face and he looked rough. I hadn't seen my parents since the summer because I hung around Brian's family so much. I couldn't believe how much they changed. My mothers frail body and arms quivered beside her as my dad took her hand in his.

"What is going on?" I asked looking between them and Mr. Bates.

"Your parents are the people who choose the soulmates before the births," Mr. Bates proclaimed.

I gazed over at my parents waiting for them to confirm but they couldn't even squeal out a tiny response.

"What?" I queried.

"Let me give you guys some time to talk this through," Mr. Bates stated stepping with one foot to walk away.

"No," I began as Mr. Bates turned around with a disgustful look in his eyes, "You aren't going anywhere until I get the answers I have been waiting for."

Mr. Bates glared at my parents and stood in his spot silently demanding a response from them. I stared at them pleading with my eyes to acknowledge some form of regret. My dads foot nervously tapped on the floor as he swiftly glanced between mom and I.

"Your mother and I have been blessed with a gift to know who is compatible," my dad stated taking a step forward.

I stood firm in my grounds trying to hide the look of desperation in my eyes.

"And you thought Brian and I would have been together forever?" I questioned.

"Sweetheart, we only wanted what's best for you. You have to understand that," my mom replied taking a step beside my dad.

The best for me? Did they not comprehend that I didn't care about someone's wealth? Even though Brian was overly wealthy, that isn't why I fell in love with him in the first place. I fell for his overly charming personality and good looks. But, I guess we see where that got me.

"The thing is, I don't understand. Why?" I examined.

"We believed that Brian would have given you everything you wanted in life. His parents were rich and we knew he could supply you with more than we could've ever given you," my dad answered.

I stood there in utter disbelief. Was this their way of justifying the fact that they placed me with some rich kid?

"So you just placed me with him because his parents were rich? Didn't you ever think about what I wanted?" I stated raising my voice.

Mr. Bates piercingly looked at me to try to get me to calm down.

"We did. We thought this was the best person for you," my mom mentioned.

"The best person for me, or the best person for you?" I begrudged.

My parents stared there at me in astonishment. They couldn't retaliate against my question. I knew then that I was correct.

"We never could have imagined you would've been in this type of situation," my dad softly said.

"Maybe that's because you were too busy thinking of yourselves," I declared.

My dad began to step closer to me but Mr. Bates walked in between us blocking his path.

"I think that's enough," Mr. Bates forcefully said staring at me with his dagger eyes.

"No, that's not enough," I began taking a step closer towards Mr. Bates, "How could you do this to me?"

Mr. Bates glared down at me with big blue eyes. He gazed around my face for some sense of vengeance. His demeanor was focused in on my personality and I could tell he was reading me in every way possible.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Bates interrogated.

"Oh please, don't act dumb that your daughter just so happened to be paired with Brian. Daddy's little princess just gets everything she wants. But, I don't buy into these stupid lies you try to implant into our heads. And, I think that intimidates you," I shouted as my voice echoed the long hallway.

"I think that is all young lady," Mr. Bates proposed stepping to the side so I could get a clear view of my parents disappointed faces.

I never snapped back like this at anyone. However, I just couldn't control my emotions. I felt as if I was in a whirlwind and couldn't catch my breath. I just wanted to wake up in the woods with Alex standing over me feeling content. Why didn't I just choose to run away with him? Could they have found us then?

I could see Mr. Bates strumming his fingers as he crossed his arms. Suddenly, he grabbed my arm trying to pull me away but I firmly grasped his arm and released myself. I situated myself in front of my parents preparing to explain.

"Mom, Dad, you have to understand why I did this," I pleaded clenching my neck where my necklace use to be.

My parents teary eyed stared at me with a hurtful look in their eyes. My heart ached at the thought of them. I desperately didn't want to disappoint my parents at this time.

"We know," my mother quietly responded.

"You know that I loved Brian, it's just that I fell for someone else. He is everything that I could ever want and I was just in the heat of the moment and didn't know what to do, I just didn't want to live a lie anymore," I said sighing heavily.

"I think you had the intentions to do what you did. But you have to understand the consequences for your actions as well," Mr. Bates interrupted.

"Sweetheart, you need to listen to Mr. Bates and what he says okay?" my mom stammered.

"What? What about you?" I asked stepping closer to my mom trying to take her shaking hand into mine.

She quickly stepped back placing her hand into my fathers. They nodded at Mr. Bates and stared at me with as much love and heartbreak on their faces. My dad's eyes began to pour with tears as I didn't know what was happening next. They couldn't possibly do this to me?

I watched as my parents stepped away and turned their back away from me walking down the long hallway.

"Who would my soulmate have been if you guys hadn't of chosen Brian?" I screamed at them.

Mr. Bates didn't try to hold me back as I stepped a foot closer hoping they would turn around and embrace me with a warming hug. Without any hesitation in their step, they opened a huge pair of white doors stepping out of my life. That was the last time I ever saw them.

"So, what are you going to do with me?" I shakily asked Mr. Bates.


So some of you guys guessed correctly that it was her parents! Now, what do you think is going to happen to her? And what about Alex? Be prepared for Chapter 19, it's a shocker :)

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