Chapter 14 | Let me in

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| Just so you know what I wanted to show you last chapter, with Elsa's opinion on Emma and Killian ever being together, was that Killian is like a brother to Elsa.
She'll be very overprotective of him. Not that she doesn't like Emma, this would have happened with every girl he'd be with. |

"You're seriously gonna color the clouds with pink?" She chuckled. She loved this kid.

"I like pink. Why can't my clouds be pink?"

"Okay okay. I won't judge."

She liked these moments of peace with Neal. The ones that they'd just stay on the couch, just the two of them happily entertained with coloring books.

"Emma, Killian's calling you."

Shit. She shouldn't have left her phone in the kitchen.

"Thanks Mr Nolan." She got up, passing by him and heading to the kitchen. He looked like he was going to say something, but Emma was too quick for him to talk.

"Hey. What is it?"

"Oh- does it have to have something to it? Sorry I just like to call you like we did the other days-"

"It's okay." She laughed. "I presume you're reading right now?"

"I am, indeed. And you? What is Emma Swan doing at a friday night?"

"She's actually coloring coloring books."

She walked back to the living room, thinking she could have this conversation there and not leave her little brother.

"Well how mature of you."

"I'd say I'm only doing it for my brother but the truth is I quiet enjoy it."

"Who's on the phone, Emma?"

She heard him chuckle because of Neal's cute sneaky voice.

"Her boyfriend." She pretended she did not hear that.

"It's a friend from school, kid."

"Tell him my clouds are pink!"

"Killian, Neal's clouds are pink." The two of them laughed, Neal looking at Emma trying to figure out what was so funny.


"Come on lovebirds, we're eating, give it a bloody rest." Killian complained when the sound of silly giggles and lips touching everywhere were just too much to ignore at lunch the next day.

"Well I'm sorry if I just love my girlfriend too much." Jefferson said.

"Do I spot jealousy here, Jones?" Will teased him.

"For infernal kisses and nonsense giggles? No thanks."

He noticed Emma giving Will a smile at the other corner of the table right before pulling her glasses up her nose - she always did that whenever they'd go too down - and continued eating her lunch.


"So, Graham isn't Henry's dad?"

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