Chapter 17 | A Favor

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| Remember the scene in FIREBIRD with Cleo Fox and Emma in the Hancock County Courthouse? Here it is but in a CS version. (It will continue next chapter)

These two chapters gave me so much feels|

The distance between his bus stop and his house was way shorter than hers.
She had been at his house before, only seen his kitchen and living room though.

"Okay, I think we could write down what we think of the book and then just study each other's paper."

"Or, we could tell each other what we think about the book and the other writes it down."

"You always like to make it harder for me don't you?"

"I love it."

He loved pushing her limits.
Crumble all those walls down.

When he went upstairs to grab some pens and papers and the book, she really didn't know if she was supposed to follow him, so she just stayed downstairs pretending to look for something in her school bag.

"You hungry?" He asked her when he came back.

"No.. Thanks."
She was hungry, but it was his house.
She didn't want to be a burning.

She listened to him prepare a toast while she looked through the pages of the book.

Finally, he sat in front of her, a plate of four deliciously good-looking toasts between them.

"Well then... Do you wanna go by chapters?" She asked and looked up at him to see him taking a bite. "You have butter around your lips." She chuckled.

He took a napkin and cleaned it off.

"These two are for you."

"I said I didn't-"

"I've seen how hungry you are after school, Swan. Just have them." He told her.

She rolled her eyes taking one in her hands. Gosh, she really needed this.


"What? You drive?!"

"Why? Do I have a non-driver face?" He laughed.

"Well you go to school and go home by bus." She said as she sat on the seat next to him.

"Yeah... This is Liam's car. And I haven't been exactly a fan of driving since..." he stopped a little to buckle up or maybe because  the subject was just too hard for him "...since I almost killed myself because of my childish attitudes."

He started the engine and the car was out of the garage quickly.

"I don't think that's childish at all. Elsa told me what happened."

"Emma, have you ever gotten drunk and had like a real hangover?" His voice tone didn't sound like a mocking one with that question.

"Not really."

"That's my point. You've been through a lot. I almost died because I was too weak."

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