Chapter 21 | Too much

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| sorry for the late update but I was on a finalists trip and I just got off the airplane and its 5am so Im sorry for typos



My mom once told me that we can see when the receiver opens our e-mail.

Maybe that only works in companies' mails but idk.
Let's just pretend that's real for this chapter.|

Elsa and Anna had come to their house to have dinner with him and Liam like old times.
Killian knew it was Liam trying to fill the hole in the house, but he appreciated that he was trying to do his best.

They were now in the backyard drinking coffee and talking.
It was still cold and it was all surrounded with snow, but they managed to survive with burrito coats and shaking off the snow from the plastic chairs.

The sky was beautiful with purple and orange tones from the sunset and he was loving the feeling.

He was sitting with his feet on top of the plastic table and his back leant against the chair, his phone in his hand while he listened to everyone talking and he'd laugh from time to time.

"Yeah you'd think that but Will has been a lot better."

"Well I believe he'll only grow up when he finds himself a girl." Liam always liked to know how things were going between their group and to comment his opinion.

"Then you'll be waiting for a long time." Killian mumbled.

The image of Emma suddenly came to his mind, he didn't really know how. And he wondered what it would be like to have her here with them, under this beautiful sky and just hanging out with his brother and friends. He imagined her sitting on one of the white plastic chairs, he imagined her throwing back her head when she laughed like she rarely did or maybe just silently laughing like she always did.

The thoughts led to the memory of that afternoon, when they wrote that e-mail to Odette Beane and then he felt like re-reading it.

He opened his Safari and checked his e-mail.

He read it, remembering the exact words she laughed at and the words that she had wrote herself.
He remembered her telling him how she had already tried to contact the author but she never got an answer.

And then- bloody hell.

The first instict was to screenshot it and go straight to the contacts for Emma's number.

He couldn't believe this.

"Everything okay, Killian?" Anna asked.

"Bloody hell, the author saw our e-mail. She bloody saw it!" And her name was already on his screen, waiting for her to answer.

"He looks like a fangirl." Liam teased him but he was already inside the house.


"Emma- I have marvelous news, love. She saw it! Odette saw our e-mail!"

"Wait what?!"

"I was on my phone and then I saw the 'seen' symbol."

"Oh my God. Killian if this is a joke, it's not funny."

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