Chapter 19 | Read Me

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| longer chapter but it sucks so yay|

He didn't know if he was thinking too much on it.

If she had touched his lips by accident.
If she meant something with that.

He had felt her dried lips on his for an instant and he couldn't help but thinking how she'd kiss.

He wanted to call her that night, like they used to.
But he had no excuse to phone her this time. The book was long time read and long time ready to be presented to class.
And also because he didn't know what to tell her after today.


"You were right. That is really good." David smiled at her after tasting her hot cocoa. "The cinnamon makes all diference indeed."

"I like more this way."

She had started to like these afternoons where she could just forget she had homework to do, or a presentation tomorrow.

She liked to think she'd do it all once she was home and that now she didn't have to worry.

Going to Granny's had become an habit between the two and also seeing Miss Blanchard walking in the diner while they were eating had become more and more interesting.

Miss Blanchard always came to Granny's after school for a good cup of coffee.

At first, it was always about telling her hello and staying for a conversation until she left.
Then she started coming later, and they would already be at their own table eating.
Like today.

Emma waved at her teacher and she sat at the counter stool.

She was glad how she had fit in this little city so easily, unlike many other times she had moved in to a new house, a new family.

Altough, with all this, she couldn't help but noticing her father constantly looking behind his shoulder, looking at her.
The woman was something to be pitty for, though. Such a sweet soul, alone at the counter with a book and a cup of coffee, every single day.

It reminded much of herself.

"Dad," she liked to tease him whenever she said it and he'd always smile "How do you know someone likes you?"

"Like like... Like?"


"This is about Killian isn't it?"


"Emma, I don't know about him." She couldn't see his face because he was looking down to his plate and she wanted to know what else did he mean by that. "I mean this to your best."

When he finally looked up at her she gave him a knowing sad smile and held her cup of hot cocoa to take another sip.

"Did you really forgive him after the party?"

"I did. He was drunk... He wasn't himself-"

"And what will happen when he gets drunk again?"

"I-I don't know..." She posed her cup.

"What someone can do once, can do it twice."

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