Chapter 35 | Cuddler

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|already wrote the end of this fic and epilogue (which will have 2 parts because it is a bit big) anddd Im ok Im ok

This is one of my fav chapters and proof that no guy on earth can be like fiction!!!! Yayyy we're all screwed!|

February came and everything seemed to be going on the right path.

David and Ms. Blanc- Mary Margaret were finally going on their date (it got a little delayed because of work) and Emma actually succeeded in convincing her father to let her invite Killian over.

"This way you can stay the night with Mary Margaret. We'll take care of Neal."

"If he touches you, I'll cut off his hand."

"Is that a yes?" She asked trying to contain her laughter.

"Yes, whatever." He sighed but then he smiled because he made her happy. Because she was happy. And that's what he's always wanted.


Killian had taken Liam's old job at the "Jewel of the Realm" and he came by around half past six in the afternoon after ending his shift.

"You know I'm still in shock that your father is dating our English teacher."


Neal had already fallen asleep in his own bedroom and they were both in her room, laying on her bed like they were melting against each other, his firm left arm around her torso.

"I think I'll get used to it. Better be a person that I already know that I like, than a stranger."

"Well I think you're right about that."

"Wanna watch something on netflix?"


When the two characters, from a random movie they had chosen, started kissing, well, way too passionately she just hoped the scene would end fast because it was quickly getting awkward between them.

Then the moaning came (way too loud) and they started striping each other's clothes.
She just wanted to hide herself in a hole and come back when this was over.

She had nothing against these scenes, very much the contrary. This would've been a favorite scene of Emma's to watch alone but he was there next to her, seeing the same as her eyes were.

"You're turning red."

She only then noticed he was lowering his head to see her face.

"I'm not."

The actors fell on the bed then, turning to their sides so he was spooning her, both panting for breath. The last thing they saw before the scene ended (fucking finally) was his hand going down the woman's stomach and sneaking under her panties.

Then Killian clicked on the space bar of her laptop, pausing the movie in the next scene (thank goodness or they'd have that image as a background).

"Okay I have one doubt." he said.

"Oh my Gosh, don't-"

"People who wear glasses do it with our without them?"

The girl in the movie wore glasses and now she didn't have them.
Emma was a person who wore glasses.
She covered her eyes with her hand for a second and looked back at him with a seriously?! look.

"What? I've always wondered that. Blame a man for being curious?"

"Well I don't know. You can always use contacts."

"You would have worn them?"

"I-I don't know- Maybe, sex with glasses just looks weird in my mind."

"Well isn't the rosy-cheeked one speaking now?"

She rolled her eyes before pressing the space bar again.

When the movie ended she was almost asleep so after placing her laptop on the floor, he took her glasses from her head, placing a soft kiss on one of her eyes.

"You're so incredibly adorable, are you like fiction?" she mumbled and laughed.

"I'm quite real, love."

They both smiled, her hands finding his face between her palms, caressing his light beard.

She was without glasses, but she was nearsighted so she took that moment to just see him.

Just like he did with her.

The glasses hid so much of her. It hid so much of the color of her eyes, her glare, her dimples, her freckles.

She brought his face to her, their lips meeting in a sleepy kiss, but also full of sweetness.

They lay down on their sides, with him spooning her, just like in the movie.

Well, in the movie it looked better.

In reality, her hair was on his face, the arm holding her under her would surely get numb in a few minutes and he knew that he might not be able to control himself with her ass against his front.

He really forced himself to not even think of things like those.

She had never cuddled in her life, before. She never understood it and she had always been glad to have a big bed and sleep on it alone, with all the space she wanted.
One thing she's always known, and many people on the system had already told her: she'd be a cuddler in the future. She always fell asleep with her arms hugging herself or a pillow.
Now she just wanted this.

His hands were on her stomach, lazily drawing things on her shirt and playing with the hem of the piece of cloth, wanting to feel her skin more than anything.

When she pressed even more closer against him, he couldn't resist it so he just sneaked his hand underneath her light shirt, caressing the side of her stomach under her arm and stopping before reaching the bra to go down again to her belly button instead.

He felt her breathing accelarating and he saw the tip of the smile forming on her face.

From what he could feel and from what he already knew about her - because yes, he wanted to know all of it - she was literally the human definition of the word 'perfection'.

Even knowing the way she saw herself or how others have thought of her, the troubled hopeless child, he found no flaws in her. He just couldn't and he had never been so sincere with himself in his whole life.

She'd probably never be able to sleep again without him.

In the middle of the night he got tired of the uncomfortable position and the fact that he couldn't see her face while sleeping.

He lay on his back and pulled her over him, but she was a light sleeper. She woke up.

"What..." she mumbled, probably still sleeping.

He just hugged her, her body fully on top of her, their legs tangled and laid his head next to hers.

It's not like he'd die of too much hotness with her as his blanket, because it had been a cold night (as always) and she was very cold, he had noticed.

She was slightly facing him and her face was just the most funniest thing he's ever seen but still the most beautiful.

He kissed her warming cheek and part of her chin and bottom lip (she slept with her mouth open, that's why). Then, he fell asleep with his nose against her neck.

She was everything he's ever wanted in life.

| I srsly doubt I'll ever date in my life.
I've never dated in my life and I'm almost 15 and I'm just gonna tell you why: none of the guys are like fiction.

Srsly like one or two have tried to come at me and then I'm like no thanks and then they turn out to be assholes.

(I'm known in my school as the girl who dumps everyone 😎) |

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