Chapter 42 | Her Hero

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|last chapter before the epilogue.
*sighs* here we are again saying goodbye to another fanfic

If you're one of those who like to read with soundtracks, well... here's my recommendation ^|

When she woke up, her eyes felt swollen from falling asleep crying and the bed was too hot.
His body was like a heather. A perfect sleepy beauty.

It was midday, and he was still alseep.

It all still felt too unreal.
Their love making included.


He woke up instantly and groaned.

"School's in 2 hours. We should get up."

"Humm." He checked his phone on the nightstand but instead of getting up, he only buried his face on her neck.
She took a deep breath in his scent, she ran her fingers through his messy morning hair and she felt his heart beating against hers, or his steady breathing on her skin.

"Liam texted me. The flight is this Friday night."

She heard him sniffle and she didn't have to see to know that he was crying.


Telling everyone the news was a memory that she'd forever cherish as one of the most warming moments in her life.

Everyone had hugged him in a group hug, probably squeezing him, and Emma who had been too caught up watching them, joined them in the end.

Surprisingly, Will had been one of whom cried the most and according to what Killian had told her at the end of the day on their way home, he even had a conversation with him about everything he's changed in his life and how Killian had turned him into a better man.

They all planned dinner together at Elsa's house like old times at Wednesday night.
Even Elsa's parents were shocked with the news. He and Elsa were friends from diapers and pacifiers, and many were the times he used to come over to play on her backyard or the months they dated and the night they posed on the hallway so her parents could take photos of the cute couple before prom.

"No, but what I'll miss the most about Killian will totally be his snoring."

"Remember when he talked in his sleep?"

Emma laughed because she knew if she didn't, she would cry.

"Why thank you, guys." Killian was sitting on his chair at the table, arms crossed on his chest as he laughed.

"No, but now seriously. I remember, back in the time of Milah, after everything... He was totally devastated. I think... If it were me? I don't know I think I wouldn't even be able to handle it all and overcome it like he did." The atmosphere became tense when the subject became more serious. She had never heard them talk about this part of his life, and that had been for a reason for sure. "And you were drunk, man. Really drunk at a week night. It was four in the morning and we had classes at eight the next day. And you called me." Jefferson continued. "You said 'Jeff, I need you now.' That was the night you realized how you wanted to stop the drinking. We talked on the phone for an hour, you were still outside the bar... And at five I told you to stay there that I'd pick you up."

"The night of the accident." Killian darkly chuckled.

"You grabbed a car anyway because you said you didn't want to be a burden anymore."

When Jefferson's voice broke, she saw that Elsa started crying.

"I just want you to know, Killian... You were never a burden."

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