8: The Help

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  I was awoken by pots and pans clanging in the kitchen. Emily has always been an early bird for as long as I've known her. I checked the time to see it was 6:45. I didn't have to be at work until 9 which I had planned on sleeping until 8, but Emily had other plans.

 The shower felt exhilarating and I felt like a refreshed person all sleepiness gone. I got dressed and made my way downstairs.

 "Good morning," she said cooking the eggs.

 "Morning," I poured myself a cup of coffee.

 "I got a call a couple of minutes ago and they said that there is another apartment is available, and I'm going to move into it," she put  a plate of breakfast in front of me.

 "Thanks. Okay so what about your furniture?" I sipped my coffee.

 "Well mom and dad gave me a check to get a new bedroom set and some living room furniture," she referred to her parents as my parents too.

 "You need me to go furniture shopping with you after work?" I asked taking my plate to the dishwasher.

 "Sure but I need someone with a truck and I'm not calling Grant," she stubbornly said.

 An idea popped into my head, it might be crazy but it's worth the try.

 "I have a friend who has  a truck I'll text him to see if he can help us," I said to Emily as she cleaned the kitchen.

A~ Hey :)

After a few minutes he texted back.

Ad~ Hey:)

A~ I have a favor

Ad~ Okay shoot

A~ My bestfriend apartment got flooded and we need a truck to get her new furniture to her new apartment. Can you help?

Ad~ Sure, what time?

A~ How about you meet us at Rooms-to- go at 4:30?

Ad~ Sure see you then.

 "He said he'll meet us at 4:30," I told her.

 "Great well I'm going to go shopping for some stuff for my bedroom. See you later," she hugged me and left.

 I gathered my stuff and left for work.

 I walked into the law firm to Grant's office.

 "Hey can I get the work for the case?" I asked.

 " I already out it on your desk," he said rudely.

 I moved all the way into the office and sat in the chair in front of his desk.

 "I understand you're in a funk mood, but there needs to be a line between our work life and personal life," I said and made my way out his office to my cubical.

 The rest of the day went by peacefully . I didn't take a lunch break since I had a paper due by the end of the day. I made another coffee run and finished my work.

 "Here are the papers. I'm headed out," I gave him the trail paper work.

 "Thank you, tomorrow we have court at 8:15 at Seattle Court House..." he paused before saying, "Tell Emily to call me, yeah?"

 "Sure, but I can't guarantee you that she'll call," I said. I gathered my things and walked to my car to meet Emily and Adrian leaning against his truck.

 "Hey, thank you for doing this," I said closing my car door.

 "No problem, shall we go," he motioned the doors. We walked into the building seeing all the furniture. Emily was over looking at living room furniture.

 "Hey Em, did you find what you were looking for?" I asked looking at the white couch.

 "Yeah I'm going to get this white set and the kitchen furniture is in the back waiting to get picked up," she said.

 "I'll pull back so they can load it," Adrian said walking back to his truck.

 After he left Emily said, "Wow he's cute... really cute," she wiggled her eyebrows.

 "Emily! You have a boyfriend and plus he has a girlfriend... I call dibs," we both burst into laughter.

 "Ms. Winchester there's someone back here to pick up your furniture," the employee said.

 Hearing that name took me back to all the times I was called Mrs. Winchester. After Jonnie proposed, at the wedding, and anytime I was working on a case at work.

 "Yes he's a friend. He'll take the kitchen set and the rest will be delivered," she said in a formal tone I've only heard when she was selling houses.

 We followed Emily to her apartment and helped her situate her apartment.

 "Thank you guys so much. Anything you need just let me know and I'll make it happen," she said wiping sweat off her forehead.

"It was no problem. I should get going," he began to walking to the door.

 "I'll walk you down. Em I'll be back," we walked out down to his truck.

 "Thank you for today, we wouldn't have been able to do it without you," I said smiling.

 "Anytime. Doesn't she have a boyfriend?" he asked.

 "Yeah they currently aren't on speaking terms," he chuckled.

 "Oh wow I hope they fix whatever it is," he said.

 "They will trust me this is normal ," I said looking into his eyes. I slightly leaned in ad he did too.

 "Sorry to interrupt, Averee do you know what apartment number Em is in?" Grant asked standing awkward. We sprung apart and I could feel myself go red.

 "Yeah I was just about to go up," I turned to him to gesture 1 second.

 "I'm sorry I wont do that again, but thank you again," I turned and walked upstairs before he could say anything.

 I opened the door leading Grant inside.

 "It's about time you came back, I assume you were sucking his lips off his face," she laughed.

 "No, but they were pretty close to it," Grant said.

 Emily whipped around wide eyed.

 "What are you doing here?" she asked a little upset.

 They were talking so I grabbed my things and left but not before catching a death glare from Emily. When I got home I was exhausted. I took a shower and got into bed waiting to see Jonnie. My eyes slowly closed darkness overtaking and shortly after the familiar white room.

 He was standing there in all his glory. Today's events overwhelmed me and I needed a hug.

 "I've waited all day to see you," I said hugging him like it's the last time I'll be able to touch him.

 "I see today was better than the rest," he said into my hair.

 "Yes but seeing you made it a whole lot better," I snuggled into his chest.

 "So how's Adrian?" he asked. "How do you know Adrian." I asked confused.

 "Averee sweetheart I see everything," he chuckled.

 I now felt guilty like I've been cheating on him.

 "My only concern about him is that he has a girlfriend and I don't want you hurt," he said caressing my cheek.

 "We're just friends nothing more," I tried to convince him.

 "You could never lie you know. I'm happy for you but look out for yourself since I can't physically do it. Just be safe," I felt his lips on my forehead and then the blackness take over again.



I know I've been gone for months and I'm so sorry. I've been testing and trying to get through the year. Hopefully when I'm not working updates will come more often. This chapter may have sucked since I'm a little rusty on my writing. But I hoped you enjoyed it.

Not Edited

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