7: April 1st

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   It's April 1st and a Monday, two bad combinations. April Fools have never been my favorite holiday, sure it's okay for kids but not for adults.

 Today I'm taking a personal day off to pamper myself. Today's agenda consisted of:

Nail shop, beauty salon, and mall. I needed new clothes since I put on some weight which looked rather good on me.

 I got showered and got dressed in a simple t-shirt with jeans and my toms. I keep my hair down in it's natural form. Ready to go I locked the door and drove to Skye's Nail Salon.

 "Hey Averee," Skye greeted me as I walked in.

 "Hey Skye, I'll be getting my usual," I said sitting in her seat.

 "Okay," she started working on my nails.

 "So how's business?" I asked

 "It's going good, and you should see the little ones they've gotten so big," she proudly said. I tensed and she felt it.

 "Are you okay?" she asked with concern on her face.

 "Yeah it's just babies are kind of a hard subject to talk about right now," I said pushing the tears back.

 "Oh okay, how's Jonnie doing?" oh today just isn't going to let me be free of my problems.

 "Um... we were in a car accident and I lost him and our baby," a tear slipped out my eye.

 "Oh I'm so sorry Averee," she got up and hugged me.

 "It's okay I'm healing," I half lied. I was not okay but slowly healing.

 We went back to talking while she did my nails, my breakdown forgotten.

 "You did a wonderful job like always," I paid.

 "Thank you and give me a call sometime," she said.

 "Okay I will," I left to my car. The drive to the hair salon was peaceful with soft music playing in the background.

 I entered the hair salon and waited for my stylist.

 "Hey, what are you getting today?" she asked drying her hands.

 "A cut to the shoulders and auburn highlights," I told her."

 "Okay come on," she took me to the bowl. She washed my hair, cut it, highlighted it then I had to wait, and she washed it again and finally flat ironed it . I can say this look really suited me. I paid and left to the mall.

 Normally the mall is crowded but since everyone is mostly at work or school it was bearable. I hot a few stores like New York & Company (for work), Forever 21, and H & M. I saved my favorite for last, Bath and Body Works I stocked up on some smell goods , candles, and hand soaps. It was 5 now and it started to get crowded so I left. I decided to stop by Adrian's bar. I stopped the car turning off the ignition and getting out to go inside.

 "Hey stranger," Adrian said as I sat at the bar.

 "Hey how's it going ?" I asked smiling.

 "Good, hey I want you to meet someone," he said going to the back and coming back out with a red head.

 "Averee this Maeve my girlfriend, Maeve this Averee a friend of mine," he introduced us.

 "Hello," I greeted her.

 "Hi, it's nice to meet you," she said smiling.

 "You too," I shifted in my seat from the slight uncomfortableness.

 "Okay so how about I make my special drink," he went to the blender working his magic.

 Maeve and I talked some more but we just couldn't click that well. Adrian and I drunk more than Maeve did. I drunk enough just to know how to drive functionally and to get home in one piece.

 "Alright I should get going I have work tomorrow." I said getting off the stool without stumbling or falling.

 "Let me walk you to your car," he came around the corner.

 "Are you safe to be driving?" Maeve asked

 "Yes I can handle my alcohol I'll be careful," I assured her.

 We both walked out side by side not saying anything.

 He finally broke the silence, "I like what you did with your hair," I blushed at his comment.

 "Oh thank you... Maeve seems like a nice girl," I said changing the subject.

 "Yeah she's amazing it takes time for her to warm up to you," he said rocking back and forth on his toes.

 "Well I'm going to go have a good rest of the night," I said getting in the car.

 He closed the door for me and waved at me as I drove off. I headed home with a smile on my face. I pulled into my driveway to see Emily sitting on my front step.

 "Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked concerned.

 "My place got flooded and I needed a place to stay until they move me into a new unit.

 "Oh you know I don't mind you staying here but why didn't you stay with Grant?" I asked sitting down next to her.

 "We're kind of on a rocky path right now so we're giving each other space," she said looking at her phone.

 "Wanna talk about it?" I asked rubbing her back.

 "Tomorrow, I'm tired," she said getting up. I unlocked the door and let her in. I went back to my car getting my bags taking them inside. We had a Netflix marathon in my room until we both fell asleep.


Enjoy this update

Not Edited

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