9: Girls Night Out

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  It's been weeks since I helped Emily move and almost kissed Adrian. Adrian and I haven't talked or seen each other since then. Today is just one of those day. I sat in bed eating ice cream watching Supernatural marathon. The doorbell rung. I thought about whether I should answer or leave them standing at the door. It rang again. I got up and put my robe and slippers on and made my way downstairs to the door.  I opened the door to see a very good looking guy.

 "May I help you?" I asked politely.

 "Sorry to bother you, but I just moved here..." he didn't finish since Adrian pulled up.

 "Sorry excuse me," I said walking past him. Adrian met me halfway.

 "What are you doing here?" I asked my arms crossed.

 "I came to check on you and give you this," he handed me a envelope.

 "What is this?" I asked.

 "Invitation to the proposal party aka Maeve's birthday," he said walking back to his truck.

 I stood there for a while before walking back to the stranger standing at my door.

 "Sorry about that. Do you want to come in?" I opened the door. We both walked inside.

 "You can have a seat, would you like something to drink?" I asked.

 "No thank you. As I was saying earlier I just moved here for an old friend of mine, and last I heard you were married to him," he said unsure.

 "Was, was married to him. Jonnie died a couple of months ago, and may I ask who you are?' I asked confused.

 "Ramond I'm his friend from Nevada," he put his head in his hands.

 Ramond was Jonnies' friend from when he went to summer camp. I've never met or seen him, Jonnie has told me some things about him.

 "Jonnie and I were in a car accident and he nor our baby made it. I thought his parents had contacted everyone. What brought you down here?" I asked getting myself some water.

 "I um... I-I got  a job offer here and I was wondering if I could stay with you guys until I can get on my feet... that was until I found out Jonnie had passed away," he said clearing his throat. You could tell he was on the verge of tears.

 "There's an extra bedroom you get settled in and we'll talk about everything else later," I walked back upstairs.

 Everything after that was a blur. There was a knock at my door. I grabbed my robe and opened the door.

 "I was about to order, any suggestions?" he asked holding is phone.

 "The Chinese is really good," I said steeping into the hallway.

 "Chinese it is then," he said walking back to his room.

 I went back into my room to take a shower and get ready for bed. After my shower I heard my phone ringing. I ran to answer.

A~ Hello?

E~ Hey, what are you doing right now?

A~ Getting ready for bed, why?

E~ Don't, get dressed I'll see you in 10.

And with that she hung up.

 I got dressed into jeans and a casual top not knowing where she was taking me. I put my hair in a bin and put minimum make up on. The doorbell rang downstairs. I heard Ramond walking downstairs so I finished getting ready.

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