11: Denial pt.1

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    Saturday is Maeve's party so I had tomorrow to get ready for it. I had to get a gift but I don't know what to get her. I texted Adrian for ideas.

 A~ Hey what should I get Maeve for her birthday?

 It was a while before he replied.

 Ad~ Just get her whatever you feel would be best.

 A~ Wow great. Thanks for the help. *Note the sarcasm.*

 Ad~ You're welcome *Note the sarcasm* But seriously whatever you feel is good enough get it.

 A~ Okay.

 It was 7:30 pm so I took a shower and warmed myself some food. Ramond was out doing gods knows what. He's been very distant lately. I made my way upstairs as the door opened.

 "Shhh," I heard Ramond say.

 "It's only 7:30 she shouldn't be asleep now," the girl from last time said. I went into my room before they could see me. Not long after I heard his door close. After dinner I took my plate downstairs and did the dishes. I heard footsteps behind me.

 "Oh hey I thought you were asleep," Ramond said getting water out the fridge.

 "No I was up. We haven't seen much of each other lately, how are you?" I dried off the last dish.

 "I'm doing great especially since I've met Kayle," he smiled as he said her name .

 "That's good I can tell you really like her," I said.

 "Yeah I do. When I move into my place in a couple of weeks I'm going to ask her to move in with me," he drank the last of his water.

 "Oh wow really?" I asked.

 "Yeah I know it's quick but she makes me happy," he said.

 "That's good. Well I'm going to go to bed I'll see you later," I said turning off the light. We both walked upstairs going separate directions. It was now 10 and I had to be up early so I called it a night and went to bed.

 My alarm went off signaling I had to get up for work.

 "Last day and then it's the weekend," I mumbled to myself.

 I got into the shower and washed my hair it felt significantly good. I stayed in there longer than I intended, dreading going to work. I finally got out and dressed in my work clothes. Which consisted of slacks and a button down with a blazer. I pinned my hair up neatly and did minimum make-up. It was 8 and  I had to be at work at 9 so I had a little time to lollygag around. I fixed myself a cup of coffee deciding to skip going to Minney's until lunch. I grabbed my briefcase and purse on the way out the door locking it. On the drive to work it was rather peaceful, radio down low... it almost reminded me of the last time Jonnie and I were in the car. I shook the thought out of my mind and pulled into my parking space. I took the elevator up to my floor.

 "Good morning Mrs. Winchester," Daisy, the front desk said.

 "Good morning Daisy ," I put on a truly genuine smile.

 I made my way to Grant's office to get my assignment. I knocked on his door, hearing a faint come in.

 "Good morning," I said taking a seat.

 "Morning," he said rustling through papers.

 "What cases do you have for me?" I grabbed my briefcase lookin at the cases I had already had.

 "Mr. Thompson Monday and If we aren't successful Tuesday too," he handed me a copy of the case.

 "What are the details?" I asked flipping through the pages.

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