21: December 18th

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 Flight 282 arrived at Gate A5.

 "That's us," Adrian grabbed my hand ushering us to Roxy's gate.

 I've only seen pictures of Roxy so I was pretty excited to meet her. The familiar brunette I've come to recognize walked out the terminal pushing who I assume is Frances. Jonnie releases my hand to go help her. I stood back giving them a moment to do their sibling bond. Speaking of siblings my dearest sister was due any day now. I was brought out my day dreaming by Adrian grabbing my hand.

 "Babe this is Roxy and Frances, Roxy this Averee, my girlfriend," Adrian introduced us. We exchanged hellos and hugs.

 "Let's get you guys out this cold," I said helping carry her bag to the car.

 The car ride to the house was peaceful, Christmas music playing in the background of our soft chatter. Later that day we were all gathered around the dining table.

 "How's California around this time?" I asked wiping my mouth.

 "It's okay a lot different from Seattle that's for sure," we all laughed.

 "yeah it takes a while t-," I felt sickness overcome. I hurried to the bathroom emptying the contents in my stomach.

 "Hey you okay?" Adrian pulled my hair back. I took a few minutes to gather myself.

 "Yeah I'm fine," I got up rinsing my mouth out.

 We walked back to the dining room.

 "Sorry I'm just feeling a little under the weather," I sat, my appetite now gone.

 "Are you feeling okay?" Roxy asked truly concerned. I assured her I was okay.

 Adrian and Roxy sat in the living room after dinner while I went upstairs to take a hot shower and rest.

 "Roxy and Frances are settled in the guest room," I was too into my thoughts to respond back.

 "Hey what's going on with you?" Adrian stares me in the eyes.

 "Nothing," I turn around and cuddle into my pillow.

  Something was wrong and I could sense it. We both went to sleep without saying another word.

 I jolted out my sleep from a sharp pain in my abdomen. 

 "Adrian! Adrian!" I tried waking him.

 "What, what's wrong?" he asked his voice groggy.

 "I need to go to the hospital now," another pain rippled through me. It took a lot for me not to cry out.

 "What's wrong?" he said getting up putting his clothes on.

 "Somethings wrong," I look down at my lap and see blood, oh no, "I'm bleeding," I cried out.

 This can't be happening. After my miscarriage the doctor said it was unlikely.

 "Okay let me go tell Roxy and we'll go," he ran out the room. Shortly after he helped me to the car and we drove to the emergency room.

 We skidded to a stop and Adrian jumped out and ran inside. Three nurses came out with a wheel chair.

 We were now sat in a examine room waiting for a doctor.

 "Hello "I'm Dr. Reynolds, I hear you are bleed from below, Mrs. Win-," he stopped once he noticed me .

 "Mrs. Winchester right?" he continued.

 "Yes," I confirmed.

"When was the last time you had your period?" he asked.

 "Two months ago but my period is irregular," he marked something down on his clip board.

 "When was the last time you were sexually active?" I put my head down slightly embarrassed.

 "About two months  ago," I remembered Adrian and I's first time together it was absolutely amazing.

 "Okay we are going to give you a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy," he handed me a cup.

 I headed to the rest room down the hall and did my business. I returned giving Dr. Reynolds my sample.

 It was silent in the room. Adrian just looked off into space.

 "What are we going to do if you're pregnant?" he asked.

 "Well it's unlikely since I had my miscarriage ," I tried convincing myself more than him.

 Dr. Reynold cam back inside, "Good news, you're pregnant," he said cheerfully.

 Shocked I asked, "how? After the miscarriage you said it was unlikely that I could become pregnant again," I asked confused.

 Well your body has other plans. I take it this wasn't planed?" he asked. Both of us shook our heads.

 "Do you want to see the baby?" he asked. Numb to the news I nodded.

 "He got the sonogram machine out and turned it on.

 "It's going to be cold," he squeezed the gel onto my stomach.

 Up on the screen a view I once saw appeared.

 "Well would you look at that," his voice surprised.

 "What?" I asked worried.

 "Well you have two littles in there. You are about 9 weeks along," he said looking at me. I looked at Adrian, his eyes glazed over.

 "Twins?" tears brimmed my eyes.

 "Yes ma'am," he said cleaning off my stomach.

 "So are they okay?" I asked.

 "Yes they are. I'm going to prescribe some prenatal vitamins and I want you to get some rest. Although they are looking good I fear that your previous miscarriage could affect this pregnancy, so I don't want you to stress. You'll need to go to your Gynecologist in the next week for a check up," he wrote my prescription.

 "Okay forget to rest," he said as we exited.

 We sat in the car for a while in silence.

 "Tell me what you're thinking," I pleaded. Still nothing.

 "If you don't want this it's fine," disappointment setting in.

 He grabbed my face, "I want this more than anything. I'm just completely shocked that we're having twins," he said smiling madly. My lips crashed onto his forgetting all my worries.

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