22: Welcome Baby Ryker Soren Ronaldson!

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 Adrian took the news better than I expected. Now we just have to figure out a way to tell our parent.

 "How are we going to tell our parents about our new bundle of joys?" he asked.

 "We'll get them together for dinner and we'll tell them. Maybe dinner?" I suggested.

 Roxy walked into the kitchen with baby Frances.

 "Good morning," she sat at the island.

 "Good morning," Adrian and I said in unison.

 "Did everything go okay this morning?" she asked curious as to why we had to leave so early.

"Yeah we found out that I'm expecting twins," I said.

 "Really? How far along?" she asked excitedly.

 "Yeah and 9 weeks," I said smiling about my babies.

 "That's amazing. This is your first pregnancy right?" she questioned.

 I was silent. Too hurt to say anything I just shook my head. Roxy said nothing but you could tell she wanted to say something, anything. I dismissed myself and walked to my room laying down. All these thoughts consumed my mind. Will I be able to carry these precious beings? Can I handle another tragedy if something happens? What if I'm a bad mom and they hate me?

 "Averee, Averee," Adrian called out to me, "Are you okay?" he asked.

 "I just want to be alone please," I wiped the tears away. I was glad I was faced the opposite direction.


Adrian's POV (12.21)

 It's been two days since Averee has gotten out of bed, and I'm worried for her and our babies. Not knowing what else to do I called her mom.

 There was a knock at the door.

 "Hey Kenzie," I greeted her as she walked in.

 "Hey Adrian," she pulled me into a hug, "So tell me what's going on," she sat on the couch.

"Well yesterday she wasn't feeling well so we went to the hospital. We found out that she's pregnant...with twins," I confessed.

 "Oh my, how did she take it?" she asked surprised.

 I was hesitant to answer, " My sister, who is visiting, asked her if it was her first pregnancy not knowing about the miscarriage, and she shut down," I said all at once.

 "I'll go talk to her," Kenzie got up patting my shoulder.

 Roxy came into the living room with Frances in her arms, " What did I do?" she asked worry in her eyes.

 "You didn't do anything wrong. She's still recovering from her miscarriage," I assured her.

 "Was it before you guys met?" Frances finished off her bottle.

 "Yeah with her late husband," I took Frances into my arms.

 "The baby is coming!" I heard yelling from the room. I handed Frances back to Roxy and hurried to the room.

 "What going on?" I asked frantically.

 "Amy is having the baby! We have to get to the hospital!" Kenzi rushed to the living room.

 "Okay we'll meet you at the hospital!" I called out. Averee snapped out of her zombie state.

 "My sister is having her baby," she ran around frantically.

 I grabbed ahold of her shoulders, "hey calm down. Put your shoes on and we'll go," she finally sat and did as I said.

 I walked back to the living room to tell Roxy that Averee and I would be back shortly.

 "Okay I'm ready, "Averee came out dressed and ready to go.

 The drive to the hospital was silent. The situation of the past two days were not being spoken on.

 We arrived at the hospital, going to the reception desk.

 "I'm here to see Amy Huntsville," Averee said as the lady typed on the computer.

 "Okay she's on C4, room 312," she pointed down the hall.

 We took the elevator to floor C4 and walked down to the 300s. 310,311,312.

 "I'll wait outside," I said not particularly comfortable with the situation.

 She walked in the crowded room. Doctors and nurses ran in and out the room.
Seeing all this commotion makes me wonder, will my babies delivery be like this? 15 minutes went by and finally welcomed into the room.

 "Come inside," Averee motioned me inside.

 Everyone was surrounding Amy and the baby.

 "What's his name?" A woman asked.

 "Ryker Soren Ronaldson," Amy said in straight awe of her son.

  "That's a beautiful name, our grandson Ryker," she said holding onto a man who I guess is her husband. It came to me that they are Noah's parents.

 My eyes wondered to Averee standing across the room. Her eyes dull, all blue gone.

 "Averee you want to hold you nephew?" Amy asked her.

 She snapped out of her trance and walked over to her sister grabbing baby Ryker. This is the happiest I've seen her. Not even the reveal of the pregnancy made her this happy.

 We spent another hour at the hospital. The ride to the house was once again silent. She went straight to our room once we made it home. I'm completely clueless as what else I can do. Fed up with the way she's acting I barged into the room demanding her to talk.

 "Leave me alone Adrian," she turned to the other side.

 "No! Talk to me, " my voice stern.

 "I don't want to talk Adrian. What is there to talk about?" her voice filling the room.

 "Us. Our unborn children. You can't just cut me out anymore. You aren't just taking care of yourself anymore either," trying to reason with her is like addressing the elephant.

 Silence has become the new normal in my life.

 "I don't want to lose them. I lost my other babies," barely making out what she said because of her tears.

 "Other babies?" confused because I though she had one miscarriage.

 "When I would drink a lot I had dreams. And one of my dreams were of two kids, my twins, the spoke to me, I'm afraid to lose my babies," she said in one breath.

 "Our babies," I corrected her, "I'm here for you and our children Averee. I need you to " I understand that," I pleaded with her. She didn't say anything but just stared at me.

 "I need to go back to therapy," she finally said.

 "Okay that's a start. Do you want to go together or by yourself?" Averee stopped going to therapy a while back, so if this is what she needs then i'll make it happen.

 "By myself and hopefully later on together," she said.

 "Okay we'll get everything settled tomorrow, but for now let's just cuddle and watch Christmas movies," I pulled her into me.

The rest of our night consisted of Christmas movies, cuddling, Roxy & Frances.


Not Edited


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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