10: Family Dinner Shenanigans

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  I woke up to a very bad headache. I looked at my bedside to see the time and found a glass of water and Advil. Ramond must of done it, I'll thank him later. I took the medicine and looked at the clock. 11:50.

 "Shit," I yelled. I had to be in therapy in 10 minutes. There was a knock at my door.

 "Come in," I said rushing to the bathroom.

 "Are you alright?" Ramond asked from the door.

 "Yes, I'm late for my appointment," I grabbed my keys and wallet and went downstairs and locked up the house.

 The drive to therapy was quiet but not awkward.

 "Thank you  for the medicine and water," I kept my eyes out the window.

 "No problem, I knew you were going to need it," he said.

 We didn't talk much after that.

 "1:30?," I asked getting out. He nodded his head and  I went into the building.

 "I'm here to see Dr. Nelson 12o'clock," I said guilty because I was 15 minutes late.

 "He's waiting for you in his office," the receptionist said.

 I walked to his office seeing his door open.

 "Come in Averee and have a seat," Dr. Nelson said professionally.

 "Sorry I'm late," I fiddled with my fingers.

 "Why were you late?" he stared at me.

 "I had overslept," I half lied.

 "Because you were hung over," he stated instead of asking.

 "Yes I went out with Emily," I said.

 "Does the drinking have to do with Jonnie?" he wrote in his journal.

 "No I just had a very stressful week at work," which was also half true.

 The rest of the session consisted of  him constantly bashing me. It just made me feel worse. I walked outside to Ramond's car.

 "How was it?" he pulled onto the road.

 "Crap. He just made me feel worse," I said tears springing to my eyes.

 "Why don't you just not go anymore?" he asked glancing at me.

 "I don't know I feel like I would sink back into that dark place again," I said honestly.

 "Well if you don't feel likes it's working then don't go, because it's a waste of money," he glanced into my direction.

 I just look back out the window. I know what he's saying is true but I feel like I wont get any better with Dr. Nelson. We arrived at the house no to much later. I unlocked the door and went upstairs to my room to take a nap. The next time I woke up it was 5:26 I checked my phone, I had 2 miss calls from my mom and a new message from Emily. I checked the message.

 E: Family dinner at 8 at mom's house.

 A: Okay I'll be there. I texted back. Mom and Dad was Jonnie & Emily's parents. Momma & Papa were my parents. I had less than 3 hours to get ready. I went to go see what Ramond was doing to see if he wanted to come along. I knocked on his door but no answer. I went back to my room and showered. I got dressed in a maxi dress with a jean jacket and peach wedges. I flat ironed my hair and left my face bare. I put lotion and a little perfume on. It was now 7:45 which meant I had 15 minutes till I had to be at dinner. I gathered my things and walked downstairs. Ramond came in the door with him.

 "Oh hey Averee this is Kayle, Kayle this is Averee. Is this okay?" he asked gesturing to Kayle.

 "Yeah sure um I'm leaving so I'll see you later," I closed the door and got into my car. I arrived 10 minutes later seeing Amy, Emily, & my parents' car. I got out and walked inside the house to the dining room.

 "Averee!" Deborah, Jonnie's mom greeted me.

 "Hi everyone," I said giving hugs. Most people would think it's weird to still talk to your dead husband's  family. They've been apart of my life for a long time so I don't se them going anywhere.

 "Kenzi is getting the food," Deb said talking about my mom.

 "We all settled around the table me sitting next to Amy and Emily. Grant next to Amy and Todd who sat next to my mom, and my mom sat next to my dad who sat next to Deb. There were two seats open. One was meant for Jonnie as the other was just a spare. Dinner was going smoothly which was good.

 "I have some news," Amy announced. Everyone put down their silverware to listen.

 "I'm pregnant, 7 weeks to be exact," she said smiling. Deb and mom squealed with joy.

 "Congratulations," I said truly happy for her. It was good news that the family needed.

 "Does Noah know?" my mom asked. Noah is Amy's boyfriend of two years. He was recently deployed into the marines.

 "Yes we told is family before he left," she said.

 "I'm a grandma again," my mom said. Things got quiet.

 "Sorry," she said looking guilty.

 "It's okay I'm looking forward to a niece or nephew," I said trying to clear the atmosphere.

 "Well we've set a date, July 3rd," Emily said excitedly.

 "Really oh gosh we have to start planning now that's a little over a month from now," Deb said looking at mom.

 "Yes we do we have to start planning now," Deb said looking at my mom leaving Grant, Amy, Emily, Todd, and at the table.

 "Well you kiddos go in there with moms and us guys will clean this up," dad said.

 "I'll help," Grant said helping clean up.

 Amy, Emily, and I went into the living room with moms.

 "What colors do you want?" Deb asked Emily. Wedding talk went on for hours and I wanted to stay but I was too tired. I said my goodbyes and made my way home.

 Ramond's car was there when I pulled up. I unlocked the door and went upstairs. I heard the girl from earlier laughing so I went into my room and changed into my pajamas. I fell asleep watching tv. I was once in my familiar place.

 "So what's new," Jonnie asked sitting at the table.

 "Amy is 7 weeks pregnant, and Emily & Grant have set the date for July 3rd," I said taking a seat.

 "Wow I'm missing a lot," he chuckled.

 We talked for hours about nonsense things, but it was perfect.


Sorry for the wait, but enjoy

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