17: The Big Day

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 "Tell her I love her and congratulations, and Averee.... take care of my sister," Jonnie said. Before I could say anything Adrian's ringtone interrupted my sleep. I answered on the 4th ring.

 A~ It's early
Ad~ Yes and it's Emily's wedding day.

 I looked around and everyone was knocked out. Including Em.

A~ Babe I have to talk to you later.

I immediately hung up.

 "Em get up! Your wedding is today," I frantically shook her.

 "Just a little while longer," she mumbled in her sleep. Only two things would do the trick; coffee and Grant.

 I went into the kitchen and made her a cup of French vanilla coffee, my next step was calling Grant.

G~ Hey Averee, everything okay???
A~ Yes everything is okay. Let's just say your wife got a little carried away last night.
G~ Oh god, by the way I like the sound of that.
A~ I'm sure you do, but back to the problem.
G~ Oh yeah right. Put the phone to her ear.

 I did as he said. Emily mumbled something incoherently as a giggled followed. She handed the phone back to me.

 "Now you get my wife to the alter," he said in a joking manner.

 After I got off the phone with Grant I went to check on Em.

 "Coffee?" I offered her.

 "Thank you I'm in need of this," she took a sip before weirdly moaning.

 "Every thing of becoming a barista?" all seriousness present.

 I chuckled. " No, now get up and get ready," I said.

 We woke everyone up and headed to the church with our things. About 7:00 everyone was running around with their heads cut off.

 "Girls!" everyone paused. "It's only 7:00 calm down you still have 3 hours. Matter of fact Tess, Amber, Olivia, and Jen sit and get your make up done," everyone face calmed. They took my advice and sat and got their hair and make up done.

 "What on earth would I do without you?" Em questioned.

 " I should be asking the same," I laughed giving her a hug.

 "Oh not the hair!" I hurried back.

 My phone pinged as I got a text. Since we were in a time crunch I has to wait to reply. It was finally my turn to get my hair and make up done. My hair was curled and pinned back away from my face as my make up was lightly done. I had just finished putting mu dress on when someone zipped up my zipper.

 "You look absolutely beautiful," Adrian said turning me around. My heart quickened seeing him in his tux and his neatly styled hair.

 "W-wow you look amazingly handsome," I was lost for words.

 "Why thank you my love," he kissed my forehead.

 "Okay guys enough gushing we have a wedding to attend to soon," Amber said with disgust.

 "I guess I have to go," he let me out of his arms. I instantly missed his body heat.

 Adrian left me to finish getting ready. By 9:30 Em has her dress on and ready to arrive at the alter.

 "Averee I'm nervous!" Em said freaking out. I grabbed ahold of her shoulders.

 "You love him right?" I asking looking her in the eyes.

 "Of course I do. Why would you ask that?" she looked bewildered.

 "The same reason you should be asking yourself why you're so nervous," she then returned back to normal.

 "Ready pumpkin?" Jeff came into the room.

 "Daddy! Yes I'm ready," Em said embracing him.  

 "Averee, you ready?" she snapped me out of my thoughts.

 "Yes I'm ready," I said. My job in all this was to hold Em's dress and veil.

We were now in front of the church doors, waiting for the cue. The music started playing and Jeff pushed open the doors. Everyone stood immediately with smiles on their faces. Even though Emily was the center of attention the look Adrian was giving me made me feel like I was the bride. The whole way to the alter I couldn't take my eyes off his. Finally we made it to the alter and I got in my place.

 They said their vows and soon kissed. The reception was taken to Deb's and Jeff's house to fit everyone . 

 "At this time would anyone like to say some words?" Deb asked.

 "I do," I said letting go of Adam's hand. I could remember the last time I was in front of all her family and it wasn't for a wedding. Adrian nudged me to the make shift stage. I nervously walked to the podium standing there not saying anything for a minute.

 "Um- I'm sorry. I had met Emily in the 1st grade along with her brother, my late husband Jonnie. We connected instantly like we were triplets, which I started to believe after a while. I remember as little girls begging mama Mckenzie and mama Deb to go over each others house. I know this year has been a really rough one, but at least something wonderful came out if it. So may the odds be in your favor and I wish you guys much luck," everyone laughed and clapped.

 During the dance Adrian and I just sat watching everyone have a good time.

 "One day that's going to be us out there," he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

 "Oh really?" I turned around to face him.

 "Yup, one day I'm going to marry you," he kissed me.

 I guess there is hope after all.


I guess I've lost motivation for this book for a while. Now that I'm done with finals and school for the break Ill try to write a few chapters.

Not edited

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