19: Adrian POV

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     Averee hasn't answered any of my calls, text, or protest to get in the house. Whenever I try to catch her she's already gone. I don't understand what went wrong. We've been doing great, no fights or arguing. Things at dinner were great, hell my parents lover her already. She's dodging me a work and Grant won't let me anywhere near her office. Emily won't tell me what's wrong with her. I'm at lost here. One minute she's having a great time and the next she's going off. I've been staying at the bar in the loft upstairs the past three days. I've tried giving her space today ends it. 

   It was 5' o clock I was waiting for Averee to pull up. 30 minutes later she pulled up.

 "Adrian, what are you doing here?" she asked walking past me.

 I pulled her arm and she hissed, "we need to talk and I need to know what's going on," I demanded. She stood there staring at me.

 "Fine," she unlocked the door and we went outside.

 "Talk," she said sitting at the bar.

 "What do you mean talk? You are the one upset for some unknown reason," I said. She sat there silently, not looking at me.

 "Are you cheating on me?" she asked looking down at her hands.

 "What? What are you talking about?" I was so confused as to what she was saying.

 "Don't play dumb! You're cheating on me right in my face! I'm not going to be like Maeve and act clueless. I'm not taking your shit. So if you think you're going to pull that shit on me you might as well get the hell out," she yelled with tears in her eyes.

  "God dammit Averee! I'm not cheating on you. I don't know where you got that nonsense from," I tried to get her to understand.

 "Well then who were you texting before and while we were at you parents huh?" she asked. Clueless I thought back to that day.... Roxy.

 "I was talking to Roxy m-" I was cut off.

 "I knew it! You dirty bastard!" she started throwing stuff at me, a lamp included.

 "Fuck! Stop it dammit! Roxy is my sister!" I couldn't take it anymore.

 "What?" was all she could say.


Writer's block suck  - .-

Next chapter coming soon.

Not edited/ Enjoy

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