16: July 2nd

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Adrian was still asleep as I was examining the beautiful ring on my finger. Last night was the least I expected. Yeah we talked about this stuff, just being hypothetical. The only subject we didn't talk about was kids. I know he's avoiding it for my sake but we have to talk about it sooner or later. I felt movement next to me, glancing at Adrian's peaceful face. My alarm went off. Adrian grumbled. I turned it off and slipped out of bed.

Breakfast was at 11 so I had an hour or so to get ready. I had my shower and put my short hair in a pony tail or as best as I could. Not really feeling it today I went make-up less. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Adrian was awake as I was getting dressed. It could only be one person, Emily.

A~ Hello
E~ Are you up and dressed?
A~ Yes
E~ Okay I'll be there in 2 minutes.
A~ What? I was going to meet you there
E~ No reason to drive so many cars. I'm outside, come on.
A~ Fine.

I hung up. She's going to kill me.

I threw on a peach tank top with denim high waist shorts and my white sandals. I grabbed my purse and phone , and left the house.

"You weren't ready were you?" Em said as I got into the car.

"Yes I was ready," I lied.

"Liar! You took too long and plus I know when you're lying," she looked over at me.

We arrives at Portage Bay Café seeing the other girls outside talking.

"Good morning girls," Em said walking up to give them hugs.

"Morning bride to be...Averee," Amber gave me a snarky look. There was Amber, Olivia, Jenni, & Tessa which I got along with none of them. But for the sake of Em I put up with them.

We all got settled at a long table. I sat by Em, and Em sat by Olivia and so on. All the girls excluded me out of the conversation as much as they could. I use to wonder if they hated me because I was Em's bestfriend I mean yeah they're her bestfriends too, but I'm her go to person. I'm her person and she's my person. Everyone paid their bills and we all decided to meet up at Veronica's Beauty & Nail Salon.

"You know all of your friends hate me, right?" I said closing my door.

"Well they can hate you as long as they want as long as they don't disrespect you. They'll be dropped as fast as I can snap my fingers," she smirked.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I asked smiling.

"Not enough," we both laughed.

At the beauty shop/ nail salon I got my highlights touched up and my hair trimmed to my shoulders. All the girls got sliver tip. It was now 3 and we were trying to figure out what to do til 7. While the girls were deciding I texted Adrian.

A~ Did you pick up your tux yet?
Ad~ Yeah, you want me to pick your dress?
A~ No I'll pick it up. I'm pretty sure I'm staying at Em's.
Ad~ Alright. I love you.
A~ I'll be by to get clothes. I love you too <3.

"Okay it's been decided, we'll go see a movie," Em clapped her hands together.

Everyone got in their cars and headed to the movies.

"What movie would you ladies like to see?" the lady asked Em and I.

"Um... Sausage Party," I told her.

"Two tickets?" she asked.

"Yes but se-" Em started to say.

"Two tickets," I said cutting her off.

"Okay $22 ma'am," she said I gave her my card.

She swiped it while Em told the other girls what we were seeing. Let's just say they weren't too happy about my choice.

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