Curiouser and curiouser

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Here you go guy's, another redo i made to the chapter. I just about had enough time to make it happen. Before school starts and all, hope ya'll enjoy. I do not own the characters of Assassins creed but my own.

Laurel felt like she was floating on a fluffy cloud. Her body numb with no pain or anxiety dwelling before her. As long as she was up on that cloud she felt safe. She didn't want anything to bother her, unless she remembered what happened a few moments back. It came back to her, the flash of light, her friends mysteriously falling into a deep slumber.

Jolting up, Laurel winced from the pain. Massaging her face to strain her eyes open, she couldn't imagine how a hangover could feel like. If it were the same as this Laurel vowed never to drink. Ever.

It took a while to get herself straightened out. Using the wall next to her to pick herself up, she felt at ease. Upon feeling the texture of the wall, Laurel felt a change. It was a bricked wall, looking at her surrounding's, Laurel noticed that she was in an alley. Narrow with boxes and crates inhabiting the stench of the place.

The only possible explanation for this was being taken from Arlene's house. Someone kidnapped her and now she has no idea where she's at. The idea made her feel vulnerable, who ever it was he/she was no where in sight. Neither was John and Arlene. She listened intently for anything suspicious. If her kidnapper was near she wanted to be prepared.

The only sounds that she can make out were of wheels being rolled against the paved road, of horses hooves and  of people chattering. Whirling around to the direction it came from she really saw horses pulling carriages. Men and women strolled the streets with odd outfit's. Laurel thought she was dreaming, like if she was still in a trance. The more she thought of it, the less it seemed unrealistic. Maybe there was a celebration going on, but how did she get there?

She narrowed her eye's , the hairs on her skin prickling up.  Slowly she walked backwards , then all at once shortly after. Away from the eccentric people , away from the primeval culture in front of her. The only thing in her mind was to find her friends. Hoping they were brought here too.

She walked eagerly in her search, only focusing in the thought of finding them. Blinded by her quest Laurel stumbled against something that almost nocked her down. Almost. Cautiously she glanced down at the person  sitting against some boxes. Laurel seeped into joy at who she has stumbled upon. Arlene was slumped against the brick wall, her head resting against some boxes. Laurel bent down in front of her checking for any injury's.  She sighed, grateful to find none. Arlene mumbled to herslef as she would do when she would sleep.

"Arlene wake up, come on wake up. " Laurel whispered as she shook her friends shoulders.

Arlene mumbled for quite a while before she woke. First she cried in alarm, unsure where she was before noticing Laurel. Taking in the buildings and the smells around her, Arlene picked herself up from the floor.

"Laurel , I doing on the floor?" She groaned, " I'm gonna get dirty" 

Laurel was glad that her friend was alright. With the waking up in an unfamiliar place, she assumed the worse. Finding her friend was a relief, but now it was John that's missing. Once they would find him they can solve this together.

"Where are we?" Arlene asked looking back and forth at the alley.

"I'm not sure" Laurel said hands on her hips, stuck in thought.

"What happened?"  

"I don't know" Laurel confessed again, she needed more time to think.

"Where's john?" 

" I.DON'T. KNOW" Laurel said sternly. Arlene's questions tensed her, making her burst when she didn't mean to. Laurel sighed seeing Arlene's reaction to her sudden out burst. Laurel tried to calm down, to act like she has everything under control when it was in actuality a mess. 

" We'll find out what happened and where we are soon. But right now we need to look for-"


Laurel and Arlene followed the voice they knew well. Both looked up seeing John up on a ledge.  How he ended up there was questionable. Seeing him okay was the only thing that mattered. Getting him down wouldn't be any easier.

" you end up right there?" Laurel asked. 

"I have no idea , I just woke up here and.." 

John overlooked his surroundings, as strange as it is. Laurel and John shared a glance, knowing that one and the other thought the same thing. Something is up, they're not safe until they know where they are and what is going on. Arlene didn't notice this, she was too busy admiring the people and strange miss happenings.

"Do you need help getting down?" Laurel asked. John pouted at the thought as he looked down at the boxes and barrels stacked up against each other. 

"Nope. I got this" John assured.

The girls watched him slide down from the ledge resting his feet on a barrel. Only the barrel tipped a little over to the side as John shrieked in alarm, falling onto the hard dirt floor. Ouch. John groaned as he stood up flexing his arm. 

"Seemed like you handled that pretty well" Laurel said sarcastically. Arlene giggled at John as he stuck out his tongue at Laurel.

Laurel studied his robber costume for a second. You know how you can automatically tell when a costume looks fake? This is the weird part. The costume didn't.

It all looked original, the weapons shimmered with no plastic in sight. The bits of fabric that was used looked authentic. Arlene's dress had the most amazing original look imagined. Laurels skirts bore the look of a handmade native. If anything, Laurel was the most likely to seem different from the people in the streets. Her light brown skin plus her costume, matched that of a native. It's almost like if she was dressed for a play. So was Arlene and John.

" Whoa, my skirt looks pretty original" Arlene said swaying her skirts as she beamed at the real fabric. John however held his hook and pistol, examining them.

"I'm going to need to shoot something if I'm holding this gun"John said with a grin.

"Please don't" Laurel said irritably.

"Can I shoot a squirrel?" he asked holding the gun sideways.

"No you cannot shoot a squirrel " Laurel said "we have a situation to resolve in case you've missed that"

Laurel turned around clutching her Templar necklace tightly in one hand as she faced the crowds of people. The best place to start with getting answers is from the people. It wasn't right to wake up in an abandoned alley with strange original outfits. Laurel and John were the only ones that were aware of this situation. Arline on the other hand looked to have the time of her life. Too naive of what's going on.

"Come on" Laurel said walking over to the end of the alley. 

In back if her, Laurel heard John say" I'll shoot one later" as Arlene chuckled.

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