An exploration

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Here you go another redo, yay! Im doing this all in a hurry and it may not be the best but it's a way to make the story better. all in all i hope yall enjoy. I do not own assassins creed characters but my own.

The three friends eyed the crowd and buildings in awe. This was nothing that they have seen before. Of coarse they can recognize a few things here and there in history books. It all fit's perfectly, it's as if someone dunked a bucketful of the 18 century life right before their eyes. The accents, the behavior, everything was mildly odd yet fascinating.

Adventuring out in the streets, the friends had to stay hunched together as to not loose themselves in the crowd. The sun shown bright above them, possibly being the afternoon, the busiest time of day. The people merely glanced at them, some looking at Laurel and Arlene for far too long as John gave the men a menacing look. Laurel was more than grateful to have John with her by their side.

"Is there like a festival going on or something?" Arlene asked, looking inside a shop.

"I don't think there's any sort of festival" John said "look, there's pigs on the streets. Are those horses? Are we like in some sort of village?"

"What now?" Arlene asked , this struck Laurel, there was nothing else to do other than trying to keep their minds intact.

Laurel looked over at John who was looking at Arlene with concern. They caught each others eye, questioning one another. Lately John and Laurel have a way with communicating with only their eyes.

 Best to have Arlene clueless to not raise alarm, their eyes read.

"..uh how about if we walked in the streets for a while. Maybe we can get some answers to our questions. " Laurel suggested, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's a great idea. Lets just ask people why their dressed that way, where we're at and why there's a bunch of hoarse shit on the streets." John said leaning against a bricked wall. His childish noises made some people looked their way, eyeing them up and down.

"Hey how's it going, nice suit where did you get it at, the mall?" John said to a man passing by, who also looked at them like if they were the strange ones. Jokes on you pal.

"Stay back thief !" The man hissed as he fast walked away from them.

 Arlene bit her lip as her eyebrows raised. John, to Laurel's astonishment, mightn't taken that as a compliment than an insult.

After a short while Laurel said " I meant to put the pieces together and be observant, maybe that way we can get our answers"

"Well that's better than staying in an alley" Arlene said with gleam in her eyes. Both girls looked to John, he seemed skeptic but decided to go nonetheless.

Walking further in into the "village" the three friends took on sight seeing. The streets were unfamiliar which meant no way to get back home. They didn't carry a cell phone which meant not having contact with anyone they know. Lastly, Laurel was beginning to worry by the second. Planning ahead would be to find shelter or a police that would tell them what is going on.

On the other hand Arlene didn't seem to care. 

"Hey guys look at this, there's a carriage and actual looking carriage!" Arlene pointed out, soon after one of the horses didn't hesitate to let out a foul odor and  a treat to the driver.

"How disgusting," Arlene said with a sour look. 

"You don't see that everyday huh?" John said.

"Don't you work at the Zoo?" Arlene asked, "How do you handle it?"

"I don't, I vomit on the inside and wished I took a job in the movie theater." John sighed.

Walking further ahead, Laurel saw a man on top of a stool holding up a sign. This wasn't an ordinary add to sell a product. This was a wanted sign, nothing that was used in the 21st century. The mind bottling thing was that the poster had a sketch of man wearing a hood. On the bottom of the poster it read: Assassins wanted for.....

"This assassin must be stopped, he is a threat to the people and a threat to our city of Boston." the man said, " A reward would be 10, 000 € to anyone who catches this assassin..."

Laurel and John looked at each other in astonishment, sensing that they both heard what the man with the poster board said. In shock they glanced at Arlene who was busy staring at a woman selling in the nearest post. She hasn't heard which was good for now. It wouldn't be good to advice her where they were, most importantly what time period it is.

" How the fuck did we end up in Boston!??" John half whispered in Laurels ear.

" How did we end up back in time? That's the freaking question we need answered!" Laurel half whispered back.

"What do you mean, being back in ti- oh right" he mumbled seeing the 1700-1800 century dressed people. John stroked his blonde hair back as his eyes scanned the streets of Boston in worry.

"But we cant be too sure, what if this is a festival? Maybe we got here with out remembering it?" John said, trying in vain to convince no one but himself. Laurel sympathetically held his shoulder, sharing his worry. He wouldn't let on, John stepped away from her touch, as he jogged to the nearest person there was.

"Excuse me, what year is this?" He asked a woman selling bread. After that Laurel couldn't make out what the woman said. John's tensed form made her shiver. John came back with the look of fear in his eyes.

"Hey guys, did you notice that there's no cops around?" Arline asked, "this is like insane, and I already saw three crimes being made!"

Laurel chuckled along with her, not wanting to get things too strange. She nudged John in the ribs to play along but he was lost in thought. She could tell by the way his gaze looked on at nothing with interest. Laurel was unsure of what to do or even know what to think. All she wanted was to have one question answered.

How did they end up back in time?

Assassins creed fan fiction: A trip in time Where stories live. Discover now