Wash up

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Laurel left to the stables with Arlene right behind her. Both were a little skirmish by Achilles strong authority. Laurel figured that its what had to be done to get something made for themselves. 

"What are we going to use to dry ourselves?" Arlene asked, "I don't think we brought anything with us for this video game trip of our lives."

"I guess we can ask Connor what he would have for us." Laurel replied.

Connor was tending to a brown horse, for a second he almost looked like any other man with a horse. Not a man who's job was to murder people. Laurel sighed, going up to Connor in hopes that she wouldn't have to argue her way on this one too.

"Uh, Connor." Laurel greeted. 

When he turned to see them she could almost hear Arlene's heart rattling against her rib cage.

"I was wondering if, with your permission, Arlene and I can go the nearest lake to wash up."

"To, wash up?" 

"Yeah, you see its been a few rough days for us and a bath would suffice for us." Laurel added, "If it's not to much to ask."

"Also is there towels that you could lend us?" Arlene asked from beside Laurel.

Connor was not speaking for a while, he kept his gaze on them for what seemed like the longest time. His mouth twitched, almost as if he wanted to smile.

With the OK of Connor, Laurel and Arlene were on their way to the lake. Without a towel or a piece of cloth to dry themselves.

"What was the other option?"Arlene asked.

"It was either use one that they use for the horses or ask Peter for a cloth."

"Why couldn't we asked Peter?"

"That jerk, will be the end of me." Laurel muttered, "Are you going to lead us in circles like me or do you know where your going?"

 Laurel could sort of make out the road to the river considering that Arlene played it the last time they were in her room playing the game. Though Arlene is better at this than she was. With a content smile, Arlene was proud to be guiding them this time. She figured she could make it up from all the times Laurel stepped up to help her.

"Hey remember the time you beat up that kid a the ice cream shop when we were in the sixth grade?" Arlene asked. The memory basking her with joy.

"The ice cream shop story," Laurel chuckled, "It never gets old."

"That was a good time, it was like a moment that brought us closer, you know?" 

Laurel could hear the ripples of water flowing against rocks. A stream of cool water prickled her skin by the thought of it.

"For the record, he was the one that tried to get with me later on in the 8th grade." Laurel smirked.

"Crushing guys and breaking hearts." Arlene joked. 

"Better than getting myself hurt."

When they got sight of the river Laurel eyes gleamed. The river was better than she imagined it would be. There was hardly any trash nor places where peopled littered. This was clean and clear like Laurel imagined.

"Well I'll be." Arlene cooed, "We should have played Black flag instead. Look at this view."

"No, this is perfect." Laurel said.

They were ready to undress into their undergarments. The thrill of having their privacy for the first time in a while was almost too much to resist. They left there clothes on top of a boulder as they ran to the edge of the water. Arlene's feet were deep in the cool water, her smile flashing briefly until she wore a face of someone who discovered her secret.

"What's the matter?" Laurel smiled, "Water to cold for you in this warm weather?"

"I think there's someone watching us."

Behind her, Laurel could see the shape of someone coming closer towards them. Standing still, she reached out for Arlene's hand, pulling her closer behind her. Coming from behind the bushes were three unknown men. Guns and knives gleaming with warning as their eyes read danger.

"I suppose hunting season just started boys. We found ourselves a fine set of legs." One of them leered.

Laurel eyed the place she left her clothes along with Arlene's. If she could get to them in a few seconds while also trying to run away, they could make it out just fine. As she thought of this, she didn't think they would notice them as another snatched them from their place. Sniffing their clothing with a malicious grin.

"I reckon you two don't need these if ye' coming with us." 

"On the contrary, their coming with me." Peter appeared not to far from them. His fists at the ready.

"Say's who?" The one with the girls clothes in his hands asked.

"Say's the one who has no problem taking you one by one." Peter grinned.

Instantly Laurel stood by his side, "Please, don't do this. Just tell him to give us our clothes back."

Peter was silent for a while, looking at Laurel who's eyes plead not to have anyone get hurt. She knew what would happen to these guys if Peter took them on in a fight.

"You heard the lass, give us back her clothes and no one gets hurt." Peter said.

"I don't think so, mate." One of them said as all three took out their weapons, "The native is mine."

Peter raised an eyebrow as if to say I told you so as he readied his blade.

"You could at least thank me for bringing you something for you two to dry yourselves." Peter suggested.

Laurel wouldn't talk to Peter after his fight. She detested how he handled those guys. Probably one of them wont be able to write with five fingers anymore. Or possibly never have children.

"Is she always like this?" Peter asked Arlene.

"Could you blame her? You could have stopped when you sliced that guys finger." Arlene shuttered.

"I don't understand. Have they not taught you a thing while you were in training?" Peter asked.

"Training? Excuse me but the only training I ever got was for sports." Arlene said, "Yeah and thanks for the towels."

"It's part of who we are. The sooner you accept that the sooner you would stop behaving like a child." Peter scolded.

"Ok, look, we all have our ways of coping with somethings-In this case its to see a lot of blood in less than 5 seconds- but that doesn't make me a child to experience for the first time what I was never brought up to do." 

Laurel walked up ahead, almost running into Connor who appeared with a rope with a knife tied at the end. 

"Peter have you seen hunters in this area by any chance?" Connor asked, averting his eyes both girls. Arlene tried to cover up with the towel as best she could. 

"I did actually, they were assaulting Arlene and Laurel. I got there in time to stop them from getting hurt." Peter said, glancing at Laurel  who chewed on her cheek from voicing her opinion.

"The same hunters attacked a woman who was hunting around the area. She may find a place to live here at the homestead."

Arlene gasped in excitement, knowing that he could be talking about Myriam. Both men looked at her with puzzlement to which she played it off my shivering.

"Its really cold, you don't think we can set up a fire once were back home?"

Home, Laurel never thought she would say that word here in Connor's world. Although there was something comfortable in the way that Peter made her feel when he came just in time to save them from what was to come.

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