There's friends then there's not

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I cant believe he touched my hand, Laurel thought. She started to feel like Arlene when Connor had grabbed Arlene's hand from reaching the axe. 

Laurel replayed the moment that happened between her and Peter last night. She couldn't believe how persuasive he was and how his charming smile and playful eyes made her feel something she hadn't felt in a while with from any guy. It was the most thrilling moment she ever had. It almost made her smile until she furrowed her eyebrows.

 No, Laurel knew better than to give her heart away so quickly to someone she didn't know. She wont repeat herself again with her eyes puffy from crying on her pillow while Arlene had to be there to cheer her up. She didn't want to go through with that; and in a video game no less. So Laurel did what she knew best. 

Hide her feelings and go about as if nothing ever happened. She was relieved to remember that nothing else happened other than their hands touching.

She was the only one in the room, the morning light running across her caramel skin like water on a stream. The warmth almost made her feel the way her heart did when Peter-

No, no more thinking about Peter, Laurel thought to herself.

She quickly grabbed her shawl and wrapped it around her shoulders before going downstairs to the kitchen. She could hear a faint conversation going on but couldn't make out of what.

"-then what's left is to skin the creatures fur off. It takes a few tries until one can get it right."

"Doesn't the smell make you sick?", Laurel recognized that last voice as Arlene's.

"Not at all, I mean you'd get used to the whole smell when your thinking of how to cook it."

"I think its pretty cool that you grew up learning how to hunt.", Laurel could already see the smoldering look John makes when he tries to impress a girl.

Stepping foot in the kitchen, Laurel noticed that there were plates already made for everyone to eat. Bread with some sort of soup in the bowl. Laurel didn't really want to get that near her lips but her stomach said other wise. She slumped on an empty seat in front of Arlene and Myriam, mumbling a good morning while trying not to sound like someone about to eat a bowl full of roaches.

"It's about time your up, I would have thought that you would be like John here." Myriam joked.

John looked a little embarrassed as I chuckled a little. If I didn't feel comfortable earlier I did now. 

"Yeah I had a pretty rough day yesterday." Laurel said.

"The hunters yesterday were a bunch of pigs." Myriam said, rolling her eyes, "Arlene told me about it. Glad you two are safe."

"What about you? Is your injury doing better than yesterday?" Laurel asked.

"Oh this thing?" Myriam smirked,regarding her arm, "I'm tough as nails. It doesn't bother me much."

"That's good to hear." Laurel said, nodding her head in regards to her arm.

Their conversation began very casually until it grew into a more welcoming group chat. Laurel almost forgot she detested eating the soup when she realized she was half done. Listening to John make a joke as Myriam laughed to it, Laurel ate her last piece of bread with the remaining mouthful of the soup.

"It's going to be really difficult to walk around in this." Arlene gestured at her outfit, "I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me."

"If you're not what I think you are then you can borrow some of my clothes. I have my stuff a few miles out at an inn." Myriam said.

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