What the stars see

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A nice, comfortable place to sleep and a good long night was what Laurel was hoping to have after all that's happened. She didn't know how long she could take with Peter and his sly comments. It's as if he was here to literally annoy her until she decided to take her own life. 

However that thought did bring up something she hadn't considered. How is Peter part of the game if he has never been brought up before in the series? He isn't supposed to be here, almost like a glitch like Laurel and her friends.

The assassin and his apprentice led Arlene and Laurel back to the homestead, the hatchet Connor placed on the pillar signaling war was right were Laurel knew it would be. To this Arlene was close to touching the handle when Connors hand reached out to stop her.

"That hatchet is a signal of war. One you will understand soon enough. For now, leave it in its place until the damage is done." Connor said as if talking to a child, letting go of her hand in a delicate manner.

"Right, yes, I'm sorry. I didn't to mean to upset you." Arlene's hand went back to holding her towel in place as Connor and Peter led them inside.

"Did you see that?" Arlene whispered with a grin, "He touched my hand!"

Laurel rolled her eyes at seeing Arlene gawking at her own hand. She'll probably replay that moment again while she would fall asleep tonight. She might not even use it anymore because its blessed by Connor's touch. 

"Make a check mark on you dream list."

"I already made 5." Arlene sighed, obviously stuck in her own world.

When crossing the entrance Laurel noticed a woman sitting in the kitchen with her back towards them. A box that appeared to be a medical kit lay on the table. Connor walked over to attend his new contact, making sure that she was better than before.

"I'm alright, its nothing I cant fix." She said with a laugh that was lighter than air. Almost like a whisper.

"I'm glad to hear." Connor said.

"You two should get dressed," Peter said, taking Laurrel's focus away from the kitchen, "Tomorrow will be along day."

Laurel could only nod, looking back at the huntress who smiled at Connor with a warmth she had never seen anyone ever give him. 

"Thanks for everything Peter, really." Arlene tried but failed to whisper, "Even if she wont say it now, she will later."

Laurel knew who she was talking about and she knew it will be true once she calmed her nerves of Peter being an assassin. For now she wanted to spend time planning on the day ahead. Before going up the flight of stairs, Laurel noticed Myriam catching a glimpse of her. For a second she could tell that Myriam and her will be in some way friends.

"The last time I saw a freak show like that was in VHS 2." Arlene confessed once she shut the door behind them.

Both were in the same room where John lay sleep and sound in bed. One leg hanging from the mattress. Arlene tossed her towel on the night stand as she stretched her arms as if showing her new form. The dried and Connor infested Arlene. Laurel almost smirked at the thought of that.

"How are we, going to handle something like that if we can barely watch the part where zombies are eating everyone and-" 

"Because this isn't as gross and brutal as the movie." Laurel argued, " No one is going to eat anybody and there wont be a cult of people who kill themselves to become immortal."

"Ugh, its all John's fault. I only agreed to watch it because he was going to buy tacos that night." Arlene recalled, scowling at John as Laurel's mouth watered for a taste of 21'st century food.

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