Summer Vacation

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The lovely cover to the side is all thanks to LittleSka. She did an amazing job :)

Please enjoy the story and let me know what you think. ~MissCreativity


Love is one of those unexplainable things that happen in life. It’s rumored to be great and wonderful and all that good stuff, but you can’t read about it. Only experience it. And because of that, it leaves the world broken and divided into five groups.

The first two are people who have experienced the great and mystical wonder that is love. You have the people who are still in love. Then you have the people who fell out of love. Generally speaking, the people still in love are more pleasant to be around.

The other three groups are usually found all in one place under one roof. High school. Sounds cliché, yes, I know. Yet true nonetheless. It’s rather simple actually. There are the Believers for starters. They are the hopeless ones. They strive for love and wait for it and pine for it like there’s no tomorrow. They unknowingly look for it in all the wrong places. They’re usually the smart, quiet, overlooked people with the sweet soul who… well… you know how the story goes.

After them are the Non-Believers. They are usually the popular people. They don’t care and some don’t believe in love. They think there are boys and girls and chemistry. Physical attraction and mutual decisions to not have a commitment. Basically they believe in friends with benefits. They hang and chill and party and mess around and things like that. But more? A relationship? That’s a foreign concept to them.

Then there are the people in between. I haven’t officially come up with a name for us yet. And by us, I mean that I am apart of this group. I guess you could call us the Majority or the If It Happens. Our group is just that. If it happens, it happens. We aren’t pining for it and looking for it in every possible corner and crevice, at the same time though; we believe in it and want it to happen.

And while love is an illusive concept, friendship is an even harder concept to grasp. This may be hard to believe because everyone experiences friendship. Or so they may think. Friendship is even more illusive because it’s a form of love. A derivative.

I’m not talking about associates. I’m talking about people you care for. People you would do anything for. I’m talking about true friends. The friend you can call at any time of day and know that they’ll pick up. The friend that, no matter how mad at you they are, they’ll always be on your side. The friend that will call you everything but your name, but fight anyone else who tries the same thing.

But it’s so illusive because, friendships are metaphorical. You can’t see them or touch them, yet you can feel them and without them, you fall apart. And because they vary so much, sometimes you can never tell friendship from association. Some friendships can last through anything, even betrayal, yet others fall apart at even the hint of a white lie.

At the moment though, all of those insightful thoughts are irrelevant. For toady is the last day of school. There is a full three months ahead of nothing but shorts, sandals, pools and boys. There is no homework for parents to shout at us to do. There will be no teachers to lecture about nothing for an hour and a half. There will be no suffocating Standard Mode Of Dress (SMOD) policy. There will be no school whatsoever in the three months ahead that can be described in two words.

Summer. Vacation.

But it’s not the words themselves that are so wonderful. It is, in fact, what the words entail that gives them the sheer power to invoke the spirit in students to complete another year. Summer Vacation entails going to the pool, shopping, hanging with friends, partying, staying up late, flip-flops, movies, laughs, and a completely stress-free living style.

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