Chapter 2

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I sped down the highway, trying to get to Collins Avenue as fast as I could. My only saving grace from getting a ticket was the fact it was three am. No one was on the streets. I turned into the parking lot at the grocery store and pulled up in front of the only person there. She was leaning against the streetlight on the sidewalk next to the street, looking like she belonged there in her ballet flats, shorts and t-shirt.

She gave me a sheepish smile and walked towards the car. I locked the doors and rolled my window down enough so we could talk. She slowly walked over to me and I crossed my arms. Her face immediately turned pleading.

“Come on Shay. Open the door…” she trailed off.

“Why did you call me over here? Bitch, I thought you were in trouble! You over here straight chilling!” I practically yelled at her.

“I’ll tell you when I’m in the car.” She said.

“Like hell you will.” I said looking at her like she was crazy, “You must got another ride coming because you best believe you are not stepping one foot in this car, before I get some kind of explanation of why I’m over here.”

“Shaina…” she begged.

“Erica.” I replied completely unfazed,  “Qhat? Sweetie, if you want ride, you better start talking. Say something that makes some sense and make me want to give you a ride home. But right now you aren’t getting anywhere.”

“It’s Jalen.” She said simply. I raised an eyebrow and then she dropped her whole façade and I could see how frazzled and distressed she really was. She begged me again, “Please Shaina. Just open the door…”

I rolled my eyes and unlocked the doors. She quickly climbed into the back seat before I could change my mind again. She wouldn’t meet my eyes in the rearview mirror and I rolled my eyes again before turning the car around to get back to my house.

We rode in silence all the way back. Tyrell was leaning against the window half-asleep and Erica just rode in silence. When we pulled up to the house I gently shook Tyrell awake while Erica climbed out the car. I took Tyrell’s hand and led him back to my room and he pulled me down on the bed. I giggled quietly, when he pulled me closer when I tried to move away.

“No.” He sleepily muttered into my neck.

“I’m coming back love. I just have to go check on Erica.”

“Do you have to? You can stay with me…” He brushed my hair back from my face and left his hand on my cheek. I turned my face and kissed his palm.

“I’m going to be right back. I promise.” I kissed his cheek before I slid out of his arms.

I walked across the hall to my brother’s old room where Erica was. I knocked on the door and she looked up from the bed. I walked in and sat next to her on the bed. She had taken off her shoes and began running her toes over the thick carpet.

She was still looking down at her feet when she whispered, “I’m sorry Shaina.”

I shook my head and sighed, “No I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so mad at you. Don’t ever apologize for calling me when you need me. I told you that I’d always be there for you and I meant it.” I looked at her to make sure she understood me, “I still mean it Erica. Yeah, I might be a little mad, but don’t ever let that stop you from calling me if you need me.”

She nodded her head, “Thank you Shaina.” She gave a weak smile, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

I laughed lightly, “You’d be standing on a corner, that’s what.”

She laughed lightly, “I guess so.”

“So what happened?”

She sighed and fell back on the bed, “Do you mind if I tell you in the morning? I really just want to sleep.”

I looked at her closed eyes for a second before I stood up, “Sure. Get some sleep. Good night Erica.”

“Good night Shay.” She replied before rolling over.

I closed the door behind me and went back to my room. Tyrell was fast asleep when I came in so I just slid off my sneakers and jeans and curled up beside him under the covers. He put his arms around me and I scooted closer to him to lay my head on his chest.

“I thought you were asleep?” I whispered.

“I was but I needed a good night kiss from you first. I had to wake up to get one.” He murmured before tipping my chin up and taking one.

I kept my eyes closed for a moment and smiled before I looked back at him, “That was so corny, you know that?”

He laughed quietly, “Yeah, I know.” He ran his hand up my side until it rested on my back and he pulled me closer. He just looked at me for a moment before kissing my forehead, “You’re beautiful baby.”

I lowered my lashes and traced shapes over his chest. Sometime between me going to talk to Erica and coming back, he had taken off his shoes and his shirt. He likes to sleep shirtless. I kissed him softly and smiled, “You’re not too bad yourself love.”

*            *            *         

That is how my boyfriend and I spent the night. Talking to each other until the sun came up. What does it mean when you can talk to one person all night and never get tired? I’m pretty sure it’s something important… starts with an ‘L’ I think…


This chapter and the next chapter are really just fillers, so I apologize for that. But I will go ahead and post Chapter 3 tonight as well because, like I said, it's a filler. But on the upside, I will be out of school for about 3 weeks for winter break, which means the good part is coming very, VERY soon :) So I hope you like the story and comment or message me how much you like it, love it, or hate it. All feedback is good :)

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Tyrell is to the right :)


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