Chapter 22

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I flopped down onto my bed after I finished unpacking my things. I couldn’t believe that the summer was over. I mean, it was really over. I looked up at the ceiling and smiled. It had certainly been an eventful summer, to say the least.

I had lived with my boyfriend.

I became friends with my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend.

I lost my best friend.

My brother started dating my ex best friend.

I laughed and shook my head. It had been a crazy summer, but it’s nice to be back home with my parents and my other friends. It’s nice to be back in my own bed. I spread out and rolled around enjoying the space.

I looked up when I heard a soft tap on my door. I looked up and met the same brown eyes I saw in the mirror every morning. She smiled and laughed softly.

“What are you doing?”

I smiled and sat up, “Enjoying the space. Contrary to popular belief, I actually missed being here.”

“I doubt that.”

I shrugged, “Eh. I did a little.”

She looked at me in disbelief and I laughed. I really had missed my mom. Even though she and I didn’t get along that often anymore, I did love her and appreciate her. She looked very pretty today in her pink and gray sundress. It was very flattering on her. She dropped her gaze and shrugged before she walked away.

“Dinner will be done in a few, Shaina. You should finish up.”

“I’m already done.” I yelled back down the hall.

She didn’t reply, but I know she had heard me. I fell back on my bed and contemplated how everything had changed in the past couple of months. I really hadn’t expected all of what happened, but in a way I’m sort of glad it did. It was nice to know that even in tough situations I could depend on Tyrell and that my brother would always have my back, regardless of the situation. And while it pains me to know it, I’m glad that I know the truth about how Erica feels about me. Fake friends aren’t what I need in my life.

I lied there for a while until I heard buzzing beside my head and saw the picture of Erica and me on my screen. I raised an eyebrow and looked at in shock for a moment. I hadn’t seen that picture over the four or five weeks that Erica and I stopped talking. I shook my head to release myself from the shock I was in and answered it.


“Hey Shaina.” She laughed, “I didn’t think you would pick up.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” I asked while sitting up.

“I don’t know. I just thought maybe…” she drifted off and didn’t finish, “Anyways, I’m back in town. I was wondering if we could meet up sometime and hang out.”

“Hang out…?” I said slowly, trying to process it.

“Yeah. I know we aren’t tight and everything, but I figured we could at least keep in touch. I haven’t seen you in over a month.”

I nodded my head, “That’s true.” I heard my mom call my name for dinner and I stood up from my bed, “We can do something tomorrow. I’ll pick you up sometime in the afternoon.”

“Okay. Sounds good. Bye Shay.”


I ended the call and looked at my phone curiously before I tossed it on my bed and closed the door. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

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