Chapter 19

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I walked into the house to see Shaina running out. I was surprised at her sudden exit and I called after her, but she was all but sprinting down the hall. I stood there dumbfounded. I walked back into the apartment slowly and saw Erica standing in the kitchen with her back to me. I looked around the apartment and nothing was broken so I closed the door.

“Erica?” I called her name slowly.

She didn’t say anything so I continued, “What happened? Why did Shay just run out like that?”

She didn’t respond so I walked around her into the kitchen. I saw her standing there zoned out looking just a dumbfounded as I felt. Her eyes, beautiful as they are, were different. They weren’t as… clouded as they were before. It was like she had been in space when she first got here and now she’s back on earth. But they were darker and full of… something. I couldn’t really name it, but she looked like my mom did when she got upset.

I looked away from her and started calling Shaina. I had to call her about five times before I heard a click on the other end of the phone, “Hello?” a hoarse voice answered.

“Shay? Finally! Are you okay?” I asked hurriedly.

She cleared her throat, “I guess.”

“What happened?”

She went silent and then there was so much anger and sadness and animosity in her voice that it shocked me, “I don’t want to talk about it right now Ricky.”

“Are you sure?”

I heard her sniffle in the background, “Yeah. I’m still driving and I don’t want to start crying again.”

“Why were you crying?”

She sniffled again, “Ask your new girlfriend.” She snapped. That was all I heard before the line was silent. I pulled my phone back, away from my ear and looked at it. I dialed her number again but she ignored it.

I looked back over at where Erica was standing. I slid my phone in my pocket and directed my attention to the upset girl in my apartment.

“Erica. What’s wrong baby?”

In my head I mentally noted that I just called her baby. I hadn’t meant to, but it was something that had just naturally rolled off my tongue. I didn’t have time to think about it right now, but it just felt right. Just like it felt right for me to cross the few steps between us and pull her into my arms. She held on to me and she cried. She cried hard.

I floundered. I had absolutely no idea what to do with a crying female. When Shay cried, I just sort of left the room and when Roxanne had cried I just left the apartment altogether. I don’t do tears. But now that Erica was actually holding on to me crying I couldn’t exactly leave. So I just wrapped my arms around her and rested my cheek on her head and waited for her to stop.

It took a really long time for her to stop.

My legs were tired and going numb from all the standing, but I didn’t complain. When she finally stopped, I pulled away and started wiping tears from her face.

“Are you okay?” I asked. She shook her head, “What happened?” I asked, still feeling completely in the dark about the whole situation.

“Me and Shaina got into an argument.” She whispered.

I frowned, “About what?”

She shook her head and more tears started running down her face and she started speaking gibberish. I looked at her and was utterly confused.

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