Chapter 5

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I scooted over and gave Erica a hug. She rested her head on my shoulder and I sighed. We were both staring blankly at the wall, watching the morning sun cast shadows through room.

“So what are you going to do now?” I asked her quietly.

“Honestly Shaina? I don’t know.” She answered. Again, it was in a voice so clear and so calm. It was so unlike her.

“I don’t either. I guess we’ll take it one day at a time…” I offered.

She shrugged and lay down on her side to face the window. I kept staring at the wall, wishing that the words would come to say to my best friend to help her cope. She had just made one of the biggest, life-altering decisions she could make. Sex is more than just a one-time thing. That first time… when you lose your virginity, you feel somewhat lost. You’re by yourself and you don’t know what to think. You gave someone something you’ll never get back; something you can never give to anyone else.

I glanced over at my friend and truly felt bad for her. Our situations were completely different. When I lost my virginity to Tyrell, it was a choice. I knew that he was the one guy I could spend my life with. I knew I loved him and he loved me and that he would wait for me. He waited two years for me. When I gave my virginity to him it was out of love and he was gentle with me. But the most important thing I think, is that he told me he loved me. And he stayed the night. I wasn’t alone.

We were quiet for a long time and I thought Erica had gone to sleep. She looked as if she hadn’t slept all night, which she probably didn’t. My phone vibrated silently on the bed. I stood up and reached for it while I began to sneak out the room. When I was at the door Erica spoke up.

“You know Shay, sometimes I wish I was like the leaves on a tree. Every year I get reborn, refreshed, and renewed. The mistakes of the year before gone away with the wind…” she mumbled.

I looked at her closed eyes and didn’t say anything. I just closed the door behind me and picked up the phone.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey baby,” Ty said on the other line.


I walked downstairs to sit on the swing outside and let the sun warm me, “What’s up?” I asked quietly.

He sighed on the other line, “I don’t know. You tell me Shaina.”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “For starters…” I began, “I think that you are right. I do worry about neglecting Erica too much.” He didn’t say anything so I continued, “I also think that I need to get away from here.”

“What?” he asked quietly. I guess we’re both in a type of silent trance and no one wanted to be the first to break it.

“I mean that,” I sighed, “Erica and I are going to go on a small weekend trip. Go visit my brother maybe and get away from all this. We both need some time to think.” I could sense him getting mad and I smiled lightly, “Then… I was thinking that maybe you and I should go somewhere for a week. Just you an me Ty. I want a week with you with no…” I shook my head slightly looking for words, “interruptions. No late night phone calls, no distress texts, no parents and no Erica.”

“I would like that baby.”

I smiled, “I would too. Ty…” I paused and bit my lip.

“Yeah Shay?”

“I know I’m not always the best girlfriend… but… thanks for staying with me.”

“Baby… I could never imagine my life without you…”

“I love you Ty.” I whispered.

“I love you too Shay.”

*          *          *         

True love knows no boundaries. It is forever growing and becoming stronger. But no strength of love is ever shown if it is never tried. Although what doesn’t break you makes you stronger, what happens when you do…?


Hello Everyone,

Sorry I've been gone so long. Senior year left me absolutely no time to update, so to anyone reading this, thank you for not giving up on me. The good news is that it's over. I've graduated and should be updating on a regular now :) . Also, because this is more of a filler chapter than a real one, I shall be posting another one tonight as well. Please forgive me for the long wait.

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