Chapter 12

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Tyrell dozed off but I never went to sleep. I looked at his peaceful face and let myself smile. I loved him so much, and it’s not his fault that Miranda is so ignorant. I mean, if I went to a guys house and a girl, who I knew wasn’t his sister or mother, opened the door in his shirt, I wouldn’t start talking about getting back together. I shook my head slightly and slipped from under Tyrell’s arm. The sun was just beginning to set outside and I decided to take the two minute walk down to the beach. I slipped my clothes back on and left Tyrell’s shirt on the bed.

I walked through the kitchen and saw a magnetic notepad on the fridge. I paused and scribbled a quick note to him.


Went down to the beach.

Love, Shay

I left it on the fridge, since I figured food would be the first thing he looked for when he woke up. The thought of food made my stomach grumble. I walked over to the pantry and looked over the contents. The only thing I wasn’t afraid to eat was the granola bar. They last long periods of time so I wasn’t worried about it being expired. I grabbed two and walked out the back door.

It didn’t take me long to walk down the sidewalk and past the parking lot to get to the ocean. There weren’t many people out here. Just one older couple dozing under some umbrellas and some kids who looked about ten or eleven, throwing a Frisbee father down the beach; I could barely see them. I walked down to the water and let the waves crash over my feet. It was cool but I welcomed it. I sat down on the beach and dug my toes into the wet sand. I looked over my shoulder and saw the beach house. It wasn’t on the beach, but I could still see it from here.

I looked back at the water and got lost in it for a while. Watching the waves rise and fall and listening to the ocean took all my stress away. I took a deep breath of the ocean air and felt like it was reviving me. I closed my eyes and leaned back on my hands. The sand, the waves, the salty air, it was all perfect. I just wish Tyrell was here with me. I loved being with him. It’s funny how protective of him I get sometimes.

But really though, it was just Miranda. For some reason, she really got up under my skin. I know that Tyrell dated her when they were in middle school. He told me all about her. They’ve known each other forever; he doesn’t even remember a time when he didn’t know her. She was his first everything basically. They had their first kiss together and their first date; she was his first real girlfriend. She had been his best friend a long time ago. I knew all about her. It slipped my mind when I met her, because I couldn’t get past all that irritation, but I did know about her. Tyrell and I didn’t have any secrets.

I sighed and realized that I needed to apologize to Ty. He hadn’t done anything for me to be mad about. I can’t get mad about something that he did before he even knew I existed; especially since he told me about it already. I opened my eyes and saw the beauty of the ocean. I don’t know how long I was sitting there looking at the ocean, wrapped up in my own thoughts, but soon I heard someone sit down next to me.

It was Tyrell. I smiled at him and he just looked at me. My smile slowly faded away as I realized he wasn’t happy with me. I guess he wouldn’t be the way I acted. I took in another deep breath and turned back to the ocean. I waited for him to say something, but he never did. He just looked out at the ocean too. I glanced at him, and saw that his jaw wasn’t clenched or any other sign that he might be angry with me. He was just silent. I figured, that I was going to have to speak first.

I took a deep breath and exhaled quietly, “I’m sorry Tyrell.”

He tore his gaze away from the ocean and looked at me with his brown eyes with the long lashes. He didn’t say anything so I continued, “I didn’t mean to act like such a… such a…” I struggled for a politically correct word but couldn’t find one so I improvised, “bitch. I just didn’t like the way she looked at you and fawned over you and I definitely didn’t like the way she called you baby. It just made me feel… some type of way.”

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