Chapter 13

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The rest of the week went by too fast. We spent the days at the beach and at the house. We never got tired of each other. About two days after we got there, we had to go to the store because we had exhausted all of the food options there were at the house and we didn’t want to keep spending money on takeout food. It wasn’t healthy and we got tired of it really quickly. So Ty dropped me off at the grocery store so I could buy some food while he went to get some miscellaneous stuff for the house like soap and shampoo.

I was walking through the aisles trying to figure out what we were going to eat for the rest of our time at the beach house and what I needed for it when I ran into Miranda. I was going to ignore her and keep going on about my way when she walked up to me with the same friendly face she had before.

“Hey Shaina.”

I looked at her and smiled politely, “Hello.”

“How are you?” she asked.

“I’m fine.” I replied.

I tried to keep moving and ignore her but she just followed me to the next aisle, chattering away like we were the best of friends. I made the polite comments at the right time, but nothing to continue the conversation. I had finally picked up everything and was getting ready to go to the checkout line when she said something that made me actually pay attention to what she was saying.

“So I was thinking that me and Tyrell could go to the fish market and to the farmers market while you put the food up from here and we can have a bonfire outside in the backyard before you guys leave. We used to do that all the time with his brother.”


She paused and I looked at her, she had stopped walking and had a confused look on her face, “What?”

“No. You and Tyrell aren’t going to be doing anything together.”

“Why not?”

I glanced at her before looking back at the basket I was holding and looking over the items to make sure I had everything, “Because I don’t think it’s a good idea for you two to be alone together.”

“Again I ask; why not?”

I looked at her, “Do you really have to ask? You were knocking on the door not too long asking to get back together with him. You really think I’m going to let him be alone with you?”

“Are you threatened by me?” She asked incredulously with a smirk.

I looked her dead in her face, “No. I’m not. But I’m not stupid either.”

She laughed, “I think you are.”

I shook my head, “If I was threatened by you, I’d want to be your friend. But the simple fact that I don’t only proves my point. I’m not threatened by you Miranda, I’m annoyed. So please, just keep your distance from us.”

She stood there grinning at me for the longest while I walked away and checked out before shouting across the store, “He still likes me you know. I can tell.”

I laughed to myself and walked toward the door before casually tossing over my shoulder, “But he loves me.”


Our last morning at the beach house, I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. My stomach grumbled and I walked to the kitchen. Tyrell was standing over the stove with a fork in his hand and a look of pure concentration on his face. He was attempting to lift the bacon with the fork so he could flip it but he couldn’t grip it. It just kept sliding all over the pan. I held back my laughter as he kept trying. It honestly looked like he was stirring the bacon.

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