Chapter 9

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A/N: So, this chapter is dedicated to my wonderful boyfriend. I love him && I miss him.


I watched TV for a couple hours when I realized that Erica didn’t really need me here. She needed rest and relaxation more than my company. She wanted to be here and I wanted to be with Tyrell. We could make this work…

I looked at my phone and pondered how Erica and Ricky would feel being thrown together. Ricky probably wouldn’t care and Erica would probably enjoy his company more than anything else. I smiled to myself. The bottom line is that they would both be alright.

I picked up my phone and called Tyrell. He picked up on the second ring.


“Hey baby.” I said cheerily.

“Hey Shay.”

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Nothing. Watching a movie. You?”

He sounded completely uninterested in our conversation so I cut the small talk and jumped directly into what I wanted to ask him, “You want to come get me baby?”

“From where?” he asked.

“My brother’s house.”

I could almost hear him smiling, “I thought you weren’t leaving until tomorrow.”

“Well…” I trailed off, “I changed my mind. Erica will be fine here and Ricky will take good care of her I’m sure.” I paused, “And I wanna see you Ty. I want to start or vacation together right now.”

I heard shuffling in the background, “I’ll be there in two hours.” I laughed. That’s exactly how long it took to get here.

“Okay. Bye baby. I love you. Don’t speed either.”

“I was going to do that anyway,” he laughed, “Bye Shay. I love you too.”

We hung up and I could help but grin. A whole six days with Tyrell Johnson. I checked the time and sighed. I would have to bid my time until he got here so I just pulled my iPod out of my bag, leaned back against the couch and got lost in the music.


About an hour and a half later, I got a text from Tyrell saying that he was here. I text him back telling him to come up and what apartment I was in. While he was on his way up, I shoved my iPod into my pocket and went over to Ricky’s room. I cracked open the door and those two were awake watching TV in my brothers room. I stared at them.

“Really?” I asked incredibly, “I’m in there trying to be quiet, thinking you two in here sleep and you’re wide awake.”

They both looked at me with clear eyes, not a single trace of sleep in them. Ricky was sitting up against the back wall watching TV and Erica had her head in his lap. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I doubt they needed me to throw them together. That really eradicated from me any guilt that I might have felt for leaving them.

“What’s up Shay?” Ricky finally asked.

I leaned against the doorframe and smiled, “Nothing. I’m leaving with Tyrell.”

“What?” Erica asked wide-eyed.

“Yeah. Apparently you two are comfortable enough together without me. And I figured you could use the couple extra days of rest so instead of taking you home tomorrow, I’m going to let you stay here. If you want to leave before then, I’m leaving my keys and my car with you.” I said addressing Erica.

“Where are you going?” Ricky interrupted.

“It’s really none of your business.” I smirked.

“Shaina Mariah if you don’t tell me…” He started to get up and I couldn’t help but laugh. He was starting to sound like my mother again using my middle name.

“Sit down Richard Alexander.” I laughed, “I’m going to the beach with Tyrell. You have my number and his number if you need me but,” I glanced at Erica, “I doubt you will.”

There was a knock at the door, “That’s probably Tyrell.”

“Wait! What am I’m going to tell my mom?” Erica asked.

I turned back to Erica and looked at her. She looked happy again. Her eyes weren’t as playful and happy as they usually were and I was starting to feel like whatever happened to her the other night hadn’t just changed her; it had permanently scarred her.

I looked into the eyes of my best friend and smirked like I wasn’t worried about her, “Nothing. If you don’t go home, your mom’s just going to think we stayed an extra couple days; not a big deal.”

“And yours?”

“Will not found out I’m not here.” I said seriously. My mom would kill three times if she knew what I was doing. Once for leaving with Tyrell; twice for leaving Erica; and a third time for not telling her the truth.

Ricky smirked, “And if I tell her.”

I glared, “I’ll tell her you dropped your organic chemistry class first semester after they had already paid for it.”

He smiled, “I took it second semester and got an A.”

“That just proves that they paid for the same class twice.” I smirked.

He laughed, “Touché little sister.

There was another, more persistent knock at the door and I went and opened it. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and I couldn’t help but smile and hug him back.

“What took you so long. I was out there for like an hour.”

I rolled my eyes at him, “No you weren’t.” I handed him my bag, “It was more like ten minutes.” I joked.

He let my bag fall to the floor and kissed me like he hadn’t seen me in years, “Well that’s a long time to be away from you.”

I smiled up at him, “Let’s go Ty.”

He picked up my bag and shouted into the apartment, “I have your sister Ricky. We’re gone.”

“Bye!” Ricky and Erica responded at the same time.

We left then and got into his ’04 Acura. He put our stuff in the trunk and then he finally did what I had wanted him to do since he got there. He kissed me like he wanted me. This wasn’t an average, ‘I miss you’ kiss; this was a ‘If I could, I’d make love to you right now’ kiss. And I wanted him too. I couldn’t wait to get to the beach to spend this week with him. It was going to be amazing. Not because of the amazing sex that we have together but because I love him and he loves me and we understand each other. Being with him makes me feel something so indescribable that I wish I could spend every moment with him. He’s an incredible man and I’m glad that he’s mine.

I looked at him as he drove down the road, and I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming surge of love for him. I love everything about him. I even love the way he drives, with one arm on the back of my seat. He completes me and I know that he’s the one guy I want to be with forever. I know that one day; I want to be his wife. And at this young age, I know that’s a serious type of love.


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