Chapter 11

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Erica and I sat watching TV for a while after Shaina left. I didn’t really want to be left alone with Erica, but I figured I’d let Shaina have some fun for once in her life. She’s always been worried about Erica since they met. I can at least let her enjoy one summer of her life without her best friend sidekicking everywhere she goes. She kept up with Erica all the rest of the year; I’m capable of keeping up with her for a week. Besides, I don’t have a girlfriend anymore. I don’t want to be here by myself all summer so hopefully I’ll enjoy the company and not regret my decision to go along with Shay.

I looked down at the girl laying in my lap watching TV. I don’t know why she was laying on me, but it’s nice to know that she knows that I won’t hurt her and that she can trust me. Who knows, maybe I can figure out what’s wrong with her. Sometimes a strangers perspective is just what you need.

I stretched and looked at the time. It was about five in the afternoon and we haven’t even gotten dressed. Or eaten. My stomach finally spoke up.


She looked at me those clear brown eyes again, “Yeah?”

“Are you hungry?”

“Uhmm…” she wiggled around like she was trying to feel how full her stomach was, “Not really, but I could eat something.”

She sat up and for the second time today I noticed how beautiful she really was. Not like made-up beautiful, but naturally beautiful. She had smooth skin and silky short hair. She didn’t wear her hair like Shaina did. Shaina had natural hair that she wore poufed out a lot, but Erica had relaxed hair that she wore short and close to her face; her hair didn’t go past her chin. She had full lips that looked incredibly soft and a petite nose that fit perfectly into her face. And her eyes; her eyes were downright gorgeous. They were almond shaped and the perfect shade of brown. She had the kind of eyes that took my breath away.

“What do you have to eat?” she asked.

“Uhmm.” I cleared my throat once I realized I had been staring at her, “I have chicken flavored Ramen Noodles and I have shrimp flavored Ramen Noodles.”

She laughed quietly, “That’s it?”

I shrugged and smiled, “That’s it.”

“Hm…” she tapped her chin and pretended to think, “Such a hard decision.”

I grinned, “I know. Either one will change your life forever.”

Her eyes automatically lost their playfulness and I wondered what I said, “Then I’m not hungry. I’m not very good at handling change.” She said seriously.

She dropped her eyes from mine and I looked away. What did I say? One minute we’re talking and she’s giggling, the next she looks like she’s about to burst into tears. I sighed and got up. I was out the room before I looked back in at her, “You might want to shower.”

“Why?” She panicked, “Do I stink?”

I shook my head, “No. I’m still hungry and I ate the last of my noodles already anyway. We have to go get something to eat.” I lied. I know it’s not nice to lie to people, but she needed to get out of the apartment. If she was going to stay with me I needed to know what was getting at her so I could avoid the topic. I’m not going to sit around here walking on eggshells because something’s wrong with her and dinner seemed like the best place to get around to the subject.

“Oh.” She said.

“Yeah. So get dressed.” I left the doorway and walked over to one of the few windows in my house by the kitchen. I thought about going up to the roof, but I didn’t want to leave Erica in here by herself; she doesn’t seem the type to be very independent. I sighed and washed up the few dishes we had from the Chinese food we had last night instead. I had just finished when I heard Erica go into the bathroom. I went over and sat on the couch. If she’s anything like Shaina, it’s going to take her a while to get dressed, so I got comfortable.

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