Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up before Ty did. I smiled at his sleeping body and climbed out of bed. I ran my hands through my hair and stretched before I grabbed my jeans off the floor and walked downstairs. I was still half asleep when I walked down the stairs so it took me a moment to hear the breathing on the other side of the couch.

I stifled a yawn and shuffled over to the couch. “Erica?” I called out.

“Yeah. It’s me Shaina.” She answered quietly.

I walked around the couch and saw her lying there. She was on her right side facing the blank TV with her head pointed toward the door. “What are you doing down here?”

“I couldn’t sleep.” she responded.

I plopped down on the floor by her head, “I’m sorry. I kept telling Ty to be quiet but he wouldn’t listen to me. We didn’t keep you up did we?”


“Ok.” I covered another yawn, “Well, he should be up in a few. We can go out for breakfast then if you want…” I trailed off when her short and quiet answers finally registered with my sleepy brain. “Erica? Are you okay?”

I sat up and looked around to find tears running down her face. “Erica!” I sat on my knees and starting wiping tears away, “Sweetie, what’s wrong?”

She looked at me and spoke in the clearest voice I’ve ever heard, “I think I’m pregnant Shay.”

This completely floored me. Erica is a virgin; she’s abstinent. Or at least she was. So it’s understandable why this news had my eyes bugging and my mouth half open.

“What?” I shook my head slightly, “Who?”



“Last night.”

I sighed, “Well at least it wasn’t two weeks ago or something like that. I have a ‘morning after’ pill in the cabinet. You can have it and that should get rid of any… um… problems you might have. Or prevent one. You’re probably not though.”

Erica just looked at me and my eyebrows drew together, “There’s something you aren’t telling me…”

She didn’t say anything, she just cried. She cried really hard. She didn’t try to stop. I just reached up and pulled her down on the floor with me and hugged her. She clutched onto my shirt and cried into my shoulder until she couldn’t cry anymore.

I smoothed her hair down, “It’s gonna be okay Erica. It is. You’ll see…” She just nodded.

“Hey baby…” Tyrell called me.

“I’m down here.” I called back to him. I turned back to Erica and lowered my voice, “Go upstairs and lay down. I’ll be up with the pill in a minute.”

She sniffled and got up. I sighed and sat there before I went to the kitchen. Tyrell found me in there and kissed my cheek softly before going to get some juice out of the refrigerator.

“Good morning beautiful.” He smiled over his cup.

I smiled softly, “Good morning love.”

He paused and looked at me before setting down his cup and coming over to me, resting his hands on my hips, “What’s wrong Shaina?”

I looked up into his brown eyes. I was tempted to tell him everything. After three years together, we didn’t have any secrets. But then I remembered that Erica might not want me to tell him her business. So I kept my answer simple yet true.

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