Chapter 20

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Talking to Miranda was much more helpful than I could have ever imagined it would be. We sat outside talking for a long time. Well, it was really more of a one-sided conversation than anything else. It was just me talking and venting. She didn’t say anything, she just sort of listened to me and that’s all I really needed. I wanted someone to listen; someone who wasn’t going to judge me or offer up opinions about what I should do. She seemed to be genuinely interested in hearing my story and seemed truly sympathetic when I came to the end of it. She gave me a hug before she left and gave me her number telling me to call her if I ever needed her. I watched her walk down the street before going back into the house. I doubt I’ll ever use the number, but for the first time, I could actually understand why Tyrell had been such good friends with her. I could see how he could fall in love with her. She’s a good person.

I laid down on the couch and contemplated my life.

To say that it was a wreck would be a massive overstatement. In all reality, it wasn’t that bad. I still had my family, my boyfriend, my sanity and my few select other friends. I just lost my best friend. I puckered my lips and stared at the ceiling.

I wasn’t really all that upset. I was more angry than anything.

I was angry that all this time, she had hated me. I mean; if you hate me, why bother going through everything that she did to be friends with me? That doesn’t make any sense. It would make more sense if I had approached her about being friends, but it was always her who kept in touch with me, who reached out, who made plans for us. I went along with them. Sure, I was the one who cared and was trying to figure out what was wrong with her, but she’s the one who always wanted to spend time with me. I had a family, boyfriend, and school. That was plenty enough to occupy my time without adding her and her problems to the mix.

I sighed and decided to not think about it. It wasn’t worth wasting my brain power on. All I know is that we’re not friends anymore. I heard buzzing coming from the room, and I assumed it was my phone. I thought about going to see who it was, but a part of me knew that it wasn’t Tyrell because he was coming straight back. So I let it ring. I rolled over to my stomach, ignored the incessant buzzing and took a nap.


Tyrell came back with a ton of groceries later in the afternoon. I helped him put them up and we had cold sandwiches and sweet tea in the backyard. We both left our phones in the house and just enjoyed each other’s company outside. We talked and laughed and had conversations like we hadn’t had in such a long time. Everything lately had been so tense, with having to deal with Erica and my parents and sneaking around. It was nice to just be able to be with him and not have to worry about when he had to leave or when I had to be back home.

The next week flew by effortlessly. Tyrell and I spent almost all of our time outside. We were either at the beach, walking to the beach, walking back from the beach, or eating lunch at a restaurant outside near the beach. It was wonderful.

The only not wonderful thing was that Erica was constantly calling and texting my phone. It got to the point where I had to put my phone on silent because of the consistent buzzing and beeping. I woke up one morning to find Tyrell missing from the bed. I stretched and yawned and went to the bathroom. I took a leisurely shower and was just stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel when Tyrell walked in.

He smiled at me, “You are gorgeous baby, you know that?”

I laughed, “You’re biased.”

“Maybe. But bias doesn’t change facts.”

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